Chapter 6 - Eliza

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(Picture of Eliza on side)

I would like to thank all of those who are reading this<3 this is my first story that has reached the 1,000s and it's super encouraging to wake up and see that I gain 200 reads overnight :D

you guys are my inspiration, and I'm having a blast writing this.  Pleaseee help me if one of the boys say something that's just flat out American!!  i'd love for this to be as realistic as possible!!  i'm only 13% British soo i don't really know much hahaaa

alsooo  if you wanna check out my other stories that'd be great too!! :D they aren't very popular so I'd love some input on them, especially "Like-Minded" and "Nevermore" because those are the ones I'm currently working on so yeahh any of them are fine but "Love Mia Mccoy" and "Against Brick Walls" suck so I don't care if you don't read those ;P aha

anyways thanks again for reading!! ;D




"I have a plan," Harry proclaimed as we cruised down the road in my red convertable.

"Okay," I replied simply.  

I hadn't even turned the corner when I heard the sound of deafening screams penetrate my ears.  A horde of insane fans were mobbing a black car, bellowing Zayn's name.

"Just drive slowly by for a bit."  I obeyed Harry, sliding by the fans unnoticed.  When we were at the end of the road, he cranked up the radio loudly so to be heard above the fans.  He stood up in his seat, arms wide open.  The heads of every single fan swiveled in our direction.  Harry plopped down in his seat, exclaiming, "Step on it, babe!"

Babe.  He called me babe!  I pressed the peddle hastily, eyeing the fans rushing toward us in the rear view mirror.  I was laughing historically, unable to contain my excitement.  When I swerved around the corner, I glanced toward Harry, watching him smile and wave to the fans.

"We're going around, right?" I exclaimed.

"What?"  Harry turned the radio down.

"We're driving around back to get them, right?"


"All right."  I was practically bouncing in my seat.  

He laughed.  "You are having so much fun right now."

"Yes!  I am! . . .. Good plan, Hazza."

"Thank you."  He smirked cheekily at me.

A few minutes later, we returned to the scene.  There was still a massive amount of fans there, but Zayn and Eliza were able to reverse the car in our direction without anyone blocking their way.  I drove forward a few yards to be a decent distance from fans.  Zayn and Eliza swung open the car doors and dashed toward us, panic evident on their face.  I put the car to a holt as Zayn leapt over the door and helped Eliza climb in.  I accelorated.

"Vas happenin!"

"There's a door, you know," teased Harry.

"Yeah, there's also hundreds of fans after me!  I don't have time for doors."

"Hi Harry," Eliza giggled.  

"Hello," Harry smiled.  "How are you?"

"I'm good!"  She turned to Zayn and stared cutely at him.  There was just something so fake about her . . .

Harry's Angel (A One Direction Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora