Chapter One

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I wake up to my phone ringing.

Groaning, I roll over and beat at the nightstand in a blind search for the devilish devise.

When I grab it, I peek an eye open and swipe the answer button, not even bothering to look at the name.

"What?" I snap.

"Frankie? Frankie, I need your help."

I sit up in bed, quickly reaching over and turning on the lamp on the nightstand as I look at the clock, reading almost 3 A.M.

"Summer? What's going on? I haven't heard from you in months. Are you okay?" I ask, rubbing my eyes.

I hear her choke on a sob and laugh at the same time. "I got into some trouble, Frankie. Can you please just meet me at The Bar?"

"Now? It's almost 3 A.M. Summer. Just come over." I say, sighing.

"No! Please, just come."  And the line went dead.

I blink, holding my phone in front of me as I read 'Call Ended' over and over.

What the fuck?

Crawling out of bed, I walk to my closet and quickly put on a pair of black skinny jeans and a red cola shirt before slipping on my shoes.

I put my hair in a very messy pony tail and grab my phone and keys, walking through the small apartment and out the door, locking it behind me.

Once I walk down to my car on the street, I send Summer a quick text telling her I'm on my way before I get into the cold beetle and speed towards the bar.

After about 15 minutes of driving, I pull up to the bar and get out of the car, then rush through the doors of the musky barn.

The Bar was older than the town of Chicago. Not really, but that's how it looked. Run down and you'd almost think of it as abandoned if not for the drunk plantation workers stumbling out of it in 3 in the morning.

Taking a deep breath, I look around and find Summer tucked away in a small booth in the back corner.

I make my way over and slide into the seat across from her.

I watch as she relaxes a bit when she sees me, then her eyes snap over to the door I had just walked through.

"Were you followed?" she asks, biting her nails, her skinny leg bouncing under the table.

I shake my head, leaning back. "No, I wasn't. Now tell me what the hell has me up at 3 in the morning when you know damn well I have things to do."

Summer scoffs, leaning back and sending me a glare as she crosses her arms over her chest. "Oh, I forgot. Medical School is so much more important that your own sister. You can leave if you're gonna be an ass." she snaps.

I roll my eyes, sitting forward and looking at her. "I'm sorry that you chose to go off and do drugs and sell yourself while I'm trying to make a life for myself. You're the older sister, you're supposed to helping me, not the other way around. If anyone is being as ass, it's you. Now, what did you do?"

There's a long pause and I look around, noticing that I had raised my voice a little and saw a few people giving us strange looks.

Summer shrunk back and ran a hand over her sunken face. "I..I met this guy. Josh. Josh Aaron. He's a dealer, but he's never done drugs. He inherited the shipment and the people and everything from his grandpa and I was working for him. I am. Or, shit, I don't know. But this one guy, Bryan. He gets really handzy with the lady workers and he grabbed me and I told him no, I really did. A lot of people heard me. But...he wouldn't let me go. And Josh always gives the girls a knife to protect themselves with, he's really nice and stuff. Always takes care of us...and so..I...stabbed him." she says, choking on the last part as she collapses into a sob, covering her face with her bony hands.

My eyes widen and lean forward. "You stabbed him?!" I whisper/shouted.

I look around and smile fakely at the people looking at the two of and turn back to my sister.

Summer nods and looks at me, then down at the table, wiping her tears.

"Where?" I ask quietly.

"His shoulder. Right of the neck and collar bone..." she says.

I nod, grimacing at the picture in my head. "Do you know if he's alive?" I ask.

Summer shakes her head and looks at me. "No. I ran the hell out of there as soon as I did it. Left my knife and all."

 I look at her for a moment. "How much more to this story is there? Start from the beginning."

"'s a long story." She says.

I wave a waitress over and order us some beers. "I guess I have time. Spill."

Summer sighs and looks at the table, her eyes never moving as she tells me the story.

"I had gotten out of the rehab you put me in. I was clean for a few weeks, so angry at you for putting me in that place but I didn't do any drugs again because I knew they almost killed me last time. So I was looking around, asking for jobs anywhere I could think of. That's where I met Josh. He was at this hardware store I was in, looking for a job and he gave me this card, told me to call him. So I did. He had a car come get me and took me back to his place and he talked to me, bought me new clothes, a new phone, everything. He told me that he was a drug lord. He wasn't ashamed and I could tell he was loaded.

He offered me a job as a dealer/entertainer. I would go to his clients houses, make deals for the drugs they wanted and entertain. Me and a few other guys and girls were at one of his biggest clients house, Bryan Kelley. Josh warned me about him, told me he's got a record and that he likes to touch and harass girls. I've been to his place a few times but this time, I had had enough. So...I stabbed him. He was so angry, threatening to kill me and everyone I loved and that he'd kill Josh or make him kill me..

And that's when I called you. I went back to Josh's, changed out of my bloody clothes, called him, though he didn't pick up, and then called you. And now, here we are." she says.

By the time she finishes telling me the story, I've already finished two beers and was on my third.

"Okay...well, we need to go back to Josh's then. Let him know that this was all just a misunderstanding and that he pushed you over the edge." I say, taking a sip from my bottle.

Summer's eyes widen and she reaches out, grabbing my hands. "Frankie, no! The last person that upset or hurt one of Josh's clients ended up at the bottom of the Chicago River. I can't go back, Frankie. I don't want to die!" she exclaims.

I nod, and squeeze her hands, giving her a reassuring smile. "You won't. I promise, nothing bad will happen to you."

"Well, love. Don't make promises you can't keep." a deep voice says behind me.

Summer's eyes widen and tear up, her bottom lip quivering in fear.


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