Chapter Four

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Josh's office was about as big as my apartment.

The walls were a worn brick, like the rest of the warehouse and had a few windows bringing in the light of the now rising sun.

I checked my watch and saw that it was almost six in the morning. Wow.

When you walk in, a few feet forward is a small lounge area with two black couches and a large coffee table topped with a variety of liquor and a small vase with one dead flower in it.

I scrunch my nose at the sour smell of smoke and look around, taking in the large paintings hung along the walls.

"These are really good." I say, walking up to one of a man sitting on a stool, a knife in his leg and one in his back but he's smiling.

Josh pauses, glancing back at me, then walking towards his large desk. "Thanks."

"Did you paint them?" I ask, glancing at him, then back at the painting.

Josh nods and sits down in his large, black leathered chair. "Yeah, I did. It's sort of a hobby." he says.

I nod and put my hands in my pockets.

"Come sit." Josh says, gesturing to the chair in front of his desk.

Cautiously, I make my way over and sit down, looking up at Josh as he leans back.

"We need to talk about your new work for me. Just so you understand what's going on and have no questions for me because I really don't like talking to noobs and people annoy me."

I raise my brows, sitting up a bit more. "But, I'm going to have questions, Josh. I've never done anything like this, ever. So you have to give me some credit. I'm only here for Summer." I tell him.

"Actually, I don't have to give you anything. I can have you and  your sister killed in the mater of minutes and you'd have no say in the manner. " Josh says, glaring at me.

I swallow hard, hanging my head. "I'm sorry."

Josh nods and leans back, his eyes never leaving me. "You're not going to be a dealer. You'll strictly do entertainment and whatever else I want. You'll dance and go wherever I please, understood?"

"Is that what Summer did? She just danced?" I ask, looking up at him.

Harry barks out a laugh, shaking his head.

"God, no. She was...well, she was everything. She had shifts. She'd dance, sell, deal, make, distribute. She did a bit of everything. But not you." he says.

Just as he says that, there's a knock on the door and it opens to show Louis standing there. He walks in when Josh waves him over and Louis hands Josh a small red folder.

My brows furrow when Josh gives Louis a curt nod and he walks quickly out of the room.

"What's that?" I ask as Josh opens the folder and flips through the pages, his green eyes skimming over the paper.

"A background check."  he replies simply. "You're a medical student?"

I nod, leaning back in my chair. "Yes. I'm in Pre-Med and Surgicals at Rush University." I tell him.

Harry nods, looking at the paper, then back at me. "And not even a parking ticket. You really are a 'good girl'." he says, tossing the folder onto the desk.

I stay quiet.

"Well...we can always use a medic. You'll do that too. Now...I'm going to fill you in on how things work here. Every Monday we have a meeting, 9:00 sharp. If you're late, you're out or you fight. Every other Friday we host a party, exclusive, themed. Everyone is present. Saturday we have a small fighting ring with the crew. If you win, you get a promotion. Simple. Got it?" he asks.

I nod quickly.

Josh smiles and stands up, then looks at me. "Any other questions?"

I think, then stand up as well. "Um..Today's Wednsday.  Will I have to dance at this week's show?" I ask.

Josh nods and then claps his hands. "Chase!" he shouts.

I flinch away from his loud mouth and look to the side.

A few seconds later, a blonde man, not much taller than Louis comes through the door and smiles.

"Hey, mate. How are you?" he asks.

I watch Josh's shoulders drop from their tense rise and fall, almost relaxed. "I'm good. We have a new member and I need you to get her measurements and make her an outfit for Friday. Also, I need you and Jenny to teach her the moves to the dance and get her with the other girls, okay? I'm sorry it's on such short notice, buddy." he says, gripping the man's shoulders.

Chase shrugs, his blue eyes sparkling. "It's alright. I've had worse." he says.

I quickly stand up, looking between the two men before me.

He turns to me and reaches in his pocket, pulling out a small fabric measuring tape. "I'm just gonna wrap this around your chest, okay? Arms out to the side, please." he says, his accent thick.

I do as he asks and raise my arms, looking over at Josh who's sitting back at his desk, his fingers tapping away at the keyboard in front of him.

Chase wraps the measuring tape around my chest and chests the number, then pulls a pen out of his pocket and scribbles my size on his hand before he moves the measuring tape down to my waist and hips, writing my size.

"My, you've got some hips, girly." he says.

I blush, looking away from him as he stands up. "Uh, thanks."

"What's your name?" he asks.

I shove my hands in my pockets, looking anywhere but at him. "Um, Frankie. Frankie Jones."

Chase smiles and offers me his hand. "I'm Chase Powers. Josh's designer and dance choreographer. Nice to meet you, Frankie."

I smile small and shake his hand. "You too."

Chase pulls his hand back and gives a small wave to Josh before walking out of the office.

"Well, that went better than I expected it to." I say.

Josh looks up at me, then back to his computer. "What, you thought that just because we're drug dealers we're all rude and conniving? So stereotypical."  he says.

I chuckle and look around once more, before I realized something.

"Um...sir?" I ask.

"What?" Josh snaps, turning to glare at me.

"Where am I going to be staying?" I ask.

Josh pauses, his mouth opening and then closing before he slams his hand down on the desk.


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