Chapter Five

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I watch as Josh unfolds his couch into a bed.

We were still in his office and once I asked where I would be staying, Josh got angry and kept muttering to himself.

I hear a few curse words here and there as he makes the bed and then turns to me.

"For tonight, you will be staying here. You can take the bed. I'll take the other couch. If you so much as try to run away for even get up, I'll kill you. Understand?" Josh says, turning and glaring at me.

I nod, then look down at the clothes I'm wearing and back at Josh.

"What now?" he snaps.

I shake my head, crossing my arms over my chest. "Nothing. Um...good night." I tell him, quickly crawling onto the bed.

"Whatever." I hear him say, then hear a thump as he flings himself onto the small couch.

On the bed, I turn over to face him and cringe at the bed springs crying out from the movement.

I look over at Josh and take in his tall frame stretched along the couch in an uncomfortable way.

Clearing my throat, I curl my hands under my head and look at Josh.

"Sir..are you comfortable?" I ask.

Josh snorts, his eyes remaining closed. "What the bloody hell do you think?" he replies.

I nod, then look away. "You can sleep with me." I suggest.

At that, Josh's eyes flew open and he turns his head to look at me. "Excuse me?" he asks.

My cheeks start to burn and I sit up a bit, not meeting his eyes. "No, no. Not like that. I meant like, in the bed. So you're not uncomfortable. I can scoot over. I don't really take up much room anyway." I tell him.

Josh smirks and sits up, his eyes still burning holes into my head. "Well, well, Cola. You really are something." he says as he gets up and makes his way over to the bed.

Josh steps right next to me and puts a knee on the bed beside me, then moves to where he's on his hands and knees above me.

"Hmm.." He hums, his lips brushing the corner of my mouth and my cheek.

I shiver, swallowing hard and meeting his eyes.

Josh's green eyes almost seem to swirl, even in the darkness and he leans in a bit more, our lips almost touching before he rolls away from me and to the other side of the bed, a safe distance away from me and my now burning lips.

"Good night, Cola." he says. I could practically hear the smirk on his face.

"Good night, Sir."

"Wake up." I hear.

I'm jolted awake as Josh dumps a glass of water on me.

Gasping, I jolt upright on the bed and quickly wipe the water from my face.

"What the hell?" I demand, glaring up at Josh.

He stands there smirking, dressed in an all black suit and black dress shoes.

"You're late to your appointment with Chase and Jenny. Hurry up and get dressed. I had Bruce go to your apartment and get a bunch of your clothes and send them over to my place. In the bathroom are some of your work out clothes. Go change." Josh explains.

I blink, looking up at him. "Wait, Sausage was in my room? With my clothes? What the-"

"Did I stutter?" He snaps, his green eyes hardening as he interrupts me.

I shake my head and get up, walking over to the office's bathroom.

Once I open the door, I notice a pile of clothes on the counter and sigh.

I look in the mirror and take in the wet hair and wet clothes that are sticking to my body and I cringe, quickly peeling my shirt and jeans off and tossing them to the floor.

Grabbing the clothes on counter, I see that it's a pair of black and white wind-shorts and a black sports bra, along with a my pink Calvin Klein panties.

"Seriously? Just this?! And did you touch my underwear?!" I exclaim, my modesty and anxiety climbing as I see the outfit.

I hear Josh laughing outside of the large bathroom and I sigh, and get dressed.

About five minutes later, I come out of the bathroom and look at Josh who stands by the door.

When he hears me walking to him, he snaps his head over to me and I swear I see him swallow hard as his eyes take in every inch of my very exposed body.

"Good. Now," he says, tearing his eyes away form me and opening the door. "let's get going. Chase and Jenny and are waiting."

I nod and walk out the door and together, Josh and I make our way down the spiral staircase and into the "workshop" below.

As we walk through the rows of people, I wave to a few of them and smile small as a few of them wave back.

Josh glances at me and then looks back ahead. "You know, not everyone here is a criminal or addict. Some are just like you. Students, teachers, parents just trying to support their kids and their lives. People that want to live. The jobs pay well. I'm a good boss."

I look up at him, nodding. "Do they ever get caught?" I ask.

Josh nods, leading me through a dark blue, steel door that led to a long hallway with a pair of white double doors at the end of it.

As we walk, Josh tells me about a few of his favorite workers and I smile to myself at how genuinely pleased he looks when talking about them and how his eyes light up a bit.

"You seem very fond of them." I say as we reach the double doors.

Josh smiles to me and nods, then opens the door and gestures for me to go inside.

As I walk in, I'm stunned at how big Josh's "theatre" actually was.

The stage was mediocre, one that you'd see at a strip club or a small club where some punk bands play.

The rest of the theatre was littered with small tables and large chairs, and even had a large, red circle table in the middle and a throne like chair.

I looked up and noticed a balcony that went to about the middle of the room and oversaw everything that went on down below. Also accompanied by a throne like chair.

"Do you like it?" Josh asks, looking around.

I look back at him an shrug, then back around at the room. "I don't really know what to say.."

"I say, you get your ass on stage so we can start working on your dance!" A voice says above me.

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