Chapter Seven

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Chase and Jenny led me the smaller offices on the second floor of the main warehouse.

In the middle of the offices was a large lounge where Louis and a few other girls were clinging to him on the sofa.

"Oh, hi Frankie."  Louis says, looking at me.

I wave awkwardly, smiling small. "Hi."

Chase and Jenny plop themselves down on the other sofa.

"Well, you need to relax, Frank. So sit down. One of these girls can get you a drink and Louis," Jenny says, reaching forward and taking the joint from between his fingers before sitting back and snuggling into Niall.

I shake my head, heading for the stairs. "I'm okay, thanks. I really need to shower and then find Josh. I still have no idea where I'm staying." I tell them.

"Most of the girls that are solo dancers or entertainers stay in the House." Chase says.

I frown, turning to look at him. "The what?"

Chase smirks, taking the joint from Jenny and taking a drag.  "The House. It's like a board house, lots of rooms and y'know, board? It's the living quarters for them. It's right across the street." he tells me.

I nod, then smile. "Thanks." I tell him, then make my way up the spiral staircase to Josh's office.

Once I'm in front of the office door, I take a deep breath before knocking twice.

"Come in." Josh's muffled voice calls.

I open the door and walk in, only to stop when I see Josh shirtless by his desk.

I swallow hard as I see Josh's sculpted chest and stoned stomach, along with his beautiful tattoos.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'll come bac-" I say.

"It's fine. I'm sure you've seen a lot of guys shirtless before, huh?" he says.

I shake my head, glancing at him and then down as I make my way towards him. "Uh..No, I actually haven't. Y'know, there are  still modest women out there, Josh. And I'm one of them." I tell him.

Josh smirks and walks over to the small wardrobe behind his desk and gets out a bark blue shirt, pulling it over his head and down.

"What did you need?" He asks, sitting on the edge of his desk, crossing his arms over his chest as he looks at me.

I meet his eyes, then look away. "Um, I was just curious..I was wondering where I was going to be staying?"

Josh looks up at me, then leans back a bit. "Well, after some observation, and the fact that you're also my new personal  medic, I decided that it would be best if you stay with me at my place."

I raise my brows. "At your place? Are you serious? Chase told me about the House and that-"

"Chase," Josh interrupts, glaring at me now, "can go shove a sock in it. That's only for the people who want sex and the dancers."

"Am I not one of your 'dancers' now? This is so damned confusing, Sir. What exactly do you want? Do I dance? Or am I a medic? What do you want from me?" I demand, my voice raising a bit as I glare at him.

In an instant, I was flipped over onto Josh's desk, the edge of his desk digging into my back as he hovered over me, his hands squeezing hard around my wrists.

"What I want," he says, giving me and extra shove, tightening his hold on me, "is for you to listen and obey. I don't usually have these problems and I will have you obedient. When I call, you come. When I need you, you need me back and so on. This isn't going to be hard for you unless you make it hard, Cola. I don't want to hurt you, but I will if I have to." he snaps.

I swallow hard as tears rim my eyes.

"Do you understand, Cola?" Josh bites out, pressing me against the edge of the desk, the edge breaking the skin on my back.

I close my eyes and then open them, glaring into his stupid green eyes as a tear slips down my cheek.

 "Yes." I say between gritted teeth.

Josh's eyes search mine for a bit longer until he pulls back and lets his grip on my hands go.

I quickly move away from him and stand by the bathroom, wiping my eyes.

"Go find Louis. We'll be leaving in a few minutes to my place." Josh tells me, coming around to sit at his desk.

I nod, not looking at him as I turn around and walk out of his office.

I make sure to slam the door behind me and I stand in the hallway, breathing heavily and clenching my fists over and over until I'm calm enough to move again.

I check my watch and see that it's almost three in the afternoon and I sigh.

"How the fuck did I ever agree to this?" I ask myself and I walk down the spiral staircase to where I remember Louis and the others being.

Louis was still sitting with the other girls when I got there and Chase and Jenny were no where to be seen.

"Hey, Frankie. What's up? Are you okay?" he asks, his brows furrowing as he sits up, looking at me.

I smile small at him, nodding my head. "Yeah, I'm fine." I tell him. "Uhm, Josh said that he wants you and that we were going to go to his place so I can get settled in."

Louis gets up and walks over to me, nodding some as he takes me in more, his eyes raking up my body. "Yeah, it's best we don't keep him waiting."

I nod, turning around to head back up the stairs when I run into a hard chest and look up to see Josh standing there, in his blue shirt and his suit jacket back on.

"Cola. Are you ready to go?" He asks, looking down at me, his eyes cold.

"Yes, Sir." I say quietly, looking back at Louis.

Louis was staring at my back and I reach behind me, touching the spot that was hurt in Josh's office and coming away with a bit of blood on my fingers.

I tense my jaw as I see Josh looking at me and then look away. "We should get going." I suggest.

"What the hell, mate? Did she fight already?" Louis asks, moving in front of me.

Josh smirks, then turns and walks down the steps. "No, she hasn't fought. We just had a disagreement in the office. She's fine."

Louis looks back at me and sighs before following Josh down the steps.

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