Chapter Twenty Four

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"Frankie... Frankie, wake up."

I open my eyes slowly and glare up at Chase who stands above me, a worried look on his face.

"What time is it?" I ask, sitting up a bit.

Chase glances down at his watch, looking as tired as I feel. "About four in the morning. We just got back from bringing your sister and Louis over to Josh's place. He couldn't find you so he asked me to help. Why are you sleeping in your dressing chair?" He asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

I swallow and shake my head, grabbing the heating pad and covering my stomach with it as I sit up and stretch my legs. "We had a..falling out of sorts." I tell him.

Chase nods and then reaches out, poking my neck. I stand up and look in the mirror, seeing hickeys covering my neck and jaw and deep bite mark on my shoulder.

"A falling out? More like y'all fucked and he got all shut down. Am I right?"

I raise my brows, looking over at Chase. "How'd you know?"

Chase smiles sadly at me and unplugs the heating pad from the mirror. "I've known him for years. Though he's in this business, he's still human. He still has feelings. Like everyone else here, he was hurt too. So he just fucks casually and then shuts himself down so it doesn't happen again."

I shake my head, looking back at my reflection. "That still doesn't give him the right to treat people like they're nothing but a toy...I'm not something to just play with and throw away when you get bored. I-I gave him the thing that I cherrished most and he made me feel like some cheap whore. Didn't even say anything. Just made me take these pills and acted like the usual asshole he is. I can't believe I thought he actually wanted me." I scoff.

Chase watches me for a bit, then shakes his head and wraps and arm around my shoulders, leading us out of the theatre and back towards Josh's office. "I understand. Now, he's still probably looking for you but we'll just sneak into his office so you can shower and change. Does that sound good?"

I nod and give him a small smile. "That sounds lovely."

We make our way up the stairs and to Josh's office. Chase knocks on the door and after a few moments of silence, he smirks at me and turns the handle, opening the door and letting us in.

We walk in and I see the makeshift bed folded back into the old leather couch, making it seem as if nothing had happened at all last night.

I tear my eyes from the couch and tell Chase I'm taking a shower. I walk to the closet Josh has and find my shorts and sports bra, along with some KTape. Snatching the tape and my clothes, along with a towel, I step into the bathroom and turn on the shower after setting everything on the counter.

I run my hands through my matted hair and look at my reflection, taking in my sunken eyes from crying and not getting enough sleep. I quickly strip myself down and gasp at the bruises and cuts marking my body, looking and feeling worse than they had before.

The bruises on my sides and hips were now a deep blue and purple shade. I had small bruises on my hips and as I looked closer I realized they were finger size and sighed quietly, pictures of Josh and last night flashing through my mind.

I shake my head and step into the shower, washing away the grime of last night and also my hair, which was super greasy.

Once I felt clean, I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, grabbing the towel and drying myself off before slipping on my clothes. Before putting on my sports bra, I carefully rip the KTape and stretch it across my ribs and towards my back. I put a few more pieces on and then slide my bra on.

I come out and come face to Chase. I let out a small yelp and he chuckles, stepping back.

"I was about to knock and tell to hurry up if you want to be out of here before He Who Shall Not Be Named shows up." He jokes.

I smile and push past him, heading toward the closet again. Chase walks past me and grabs his phone sitting in the table where I had to operate in Louis.

Glancing over, I notice a bit of dried blood on the wooden table and swallow hard, looking down at my feet.

I reach in the closet and grab one of Josh's t-shirts. As soon as I had the shirt in my hand and was about to put it on, I heard yelling from outside and suddenly the door to the office slammed open and there stood an angry looking Josh.

My breathing instantly picked up when I saw him. I took in his dark jeans and his white dress shirt. He had dark bags under his eyes like he hadn't slept at all and his hair was messier than ever, but it suited him. Hell, anything suited this man.

I clench my jaw as his eyes locked with mine and he started toward me, only to stop when I turn away and pull the shirt I hadn't realized I was clutching tightly in my hands on.

"Chase, leave us. Go check if Bruce needs help with anything." Josh says, his voice low and steady.

Chase clears his throat and glances at me, then back at Josh. "Uhm, Sir, I really don't think that's a good-"

"Now!" Josh snaps, turning his head to glare at him.

Chase's own jaw clenches as he nods, sending me an apologetic look as he grabs his phone and leaves the room, shutting the door firmly behind him.

Josh stays where he is for a moment, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath before he looks at me again.

I feel his eyes burning into me and I ignore it, digging around the closet until I find a pair of socks and my shoes, grabbing them and moving the couch opposite of the... y'know.

Bending over hurt and I let out a huff and close my eyes, placing my hand over my side.

"How are you feeling?" He asks.

I pause, opening my eyes and looking up at Josh. He's turned to face me and has taken a few steps closer.

"I had hoped that Asprin I gave you last night would help through this morning." He says.

I scoff, nodding a bit. "So that's what those pills were."

Josh's brows furrowing and he looks at me, confusion in his eyes. "What did you think it was?"

I shrug, bending over again and slipping the first sock on. "I don't know. Some pill to make me happy or pass out, maybe to even you know, not get pregnant because we were reckless and there wasn't any protection needed." I snap.

Josh just stares at me, then shakes his head and comes closer to me. I quickly scoot away and hold my hand up, looking away from him. "Stop. Please..just stop."

Josh's face falls and he stops coming towards me. "Frankie..let me help you." He pleads.

I shake my head and cross my legs, quickly slipping on the other sock and my shoes. "I don't need your help." I say, standing up. I look at him and I step around him until he grabs my elbow, pulling me against him.

"Will you at least talk to me? Let me explain-"

"Explain what?" I snap, pulling my arm free of his hold. "I don't want to talk about it. If what happened what just a casual Friday to you, then so be it. I don't care anymore."

Josh shakes his head, looking at me. "I didn't mean to hurt you, Frankie. I never wanted that. I didn't expect you to leave."

I look away from him and head toward the door. "Look, I don't want to be some piece if ass. What I did last night, I wanted to. I wanted you." I say, meeting his eyes. "But if you don't want that, then please just stop. Leave me alone. Let me work my sister's debt off or better yet, let me go home and she can work again."

Josh stares at me, his mouth opening and closing as his brows furrow. "But..I do want you. So bad, Frankie." He whispers.

I look at him, then grab the door and pull it open. "Then prove it."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2018 ⏰

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