Chapter Eighteen

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I woke up feeling even more exhausted  than I was when I passed out.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes, looking around. I realized I was in "my" room back at Josh's place.

How did I get here?

There's a knock on my bedroom door and I quickly cover my chest with the sheets, my cheeks burning.

"Uh- come in." I say, my voice cracking a bit.

The door opened to reveal and disheveled looking Louis who smiled sadly at me.

"Morning, Frankie." he says.

I smile small and look at him. "Morning. Uhm, did you need something?" I ask.

Louis shakes his head and looks away, back out into the hall. "Josh wants you to get dressed and ready. Something that you can easily move in. Today's the day you fight." And with that, he turned on his heal and left, closing the door firmly behind him.

I swallowed hard, staring at the door for a minute.  Josh wants me to fight. Shit, I'm gonna die.

I get up and rush into the bathroom, quickly showering and brushing my teeth before slipping on some underwear and a pair of black wind-shorts and a matching sports bra.

Digging around, I find my converse and slip those on and make my way out of the room, putting my hair up in a pony tail as I head down the stairs.

I find Josh and Louis in the kitchen and frown when Josh ignores my 'good morning' and walks into the living room.

"What's his problem?" I ask, grabbing a cup and pouring some apple juice in it.

Louis clears his throat and shrugs. "I don't know. Maybe it's because the girl that he just had sex with is about to get in a fight that she could actually die from?"

I blink, then scowl at him. "We didn't have sex. Just..other things."

Louis scoffs and shakes his head, taking my cup from me as I raise it to my lips. " two should just bang already. All this sexual tension is suffacating."

I roll my eyes and plop down onto one if the stools at the island. "More like just tension."

Louis looks at me a bit more before patting my shoulder and walking to wherever Josh went.

I stayed back for a bit before Josh and Louis popped back up by the door.

"Come on. We're leaving." Josh says, opening the door and walking out.

I nod and hop to my feet, heading towards the door and out to the car where Josh was getting in.

After climbing into the SUV and buckling up, I watch as Louis gets in last and sits next to me, giving me a small smile.

I smile back and glance at Josh who's glaring at Louis and I.

"Louis, you know what to do, right?"

Louis nods and pulls out his phone, tapping rapidly on the screen while talking to Josh.

"Yep. After getting everything together, I'm taking the unmarked car to one of Bryan's clubs and making the trade. Drugs for the money. I've done this before, boss."

Josh smirks and nods, then looks at me. "And you. You're going to be fighting today. I'll explain the rules once we get to the ring." He says, turning to look out the window.

I nod slowly, rubbing my arms. "What happens if I lose the fight?" I ask.

Josh glances at me, then back out the window. "It's honestly up to the winner. Whoever chooses to fight you, if they win, they get to either fight you again, take your position, which is clearly not an option, or take your money. Or..other things."

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