Chapter Fourteen

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The room was silent for a moment as Josh and Garcia glared at each other.

"She's not a whore, and she's not for sale. You're not getting her." Josh snaps.

I swallow hard and look up at Josh, then around the room and see that there are only two of Garcia's men here and then him.

One of the men looks familiar as he points his gun at Josh.

"Why do you care about her, Joshua? You usually just satisfy your needs with one of your dancers. What's so special about this whore?" Garcia taunts.

I didn't even blink before Josh pulls a gun out that was tucked into the back of his pants and pulls the trigger.

The shot rang throughout the room and two more followed.

I felt something wet on my face and reached up, touching my cheek and coming away with a shaky hand and blood.

My breathing escalates and I let out a small scream.

My eyes flash around the room to the body on the floor in front of us and one a bit behind it.

Josh grabs my arm and jerks me to face him.

"Cola, stop. Look at me." He orders.

I open and close my mouth repeatedly as I take in deep breaths, my eyes flashing around the room.

"Y-you shot them. You just killed him!" I exclaim, my shaky hands gripping Josh's arms.

Josh reaches up, grabbing my face in his hands.

"Cola, listen. I had to. He would have hurt you, do you understand? Now we need to leave, okay? We're going back to the house." He says.

Josh's voice calls me down a bit and I give him a small nod.

He wraps his arm around my shoulders and looks at Sausage Link who has gathered the drugs and put them back on the duffle bag before following us out quickly.

Once in the SUV, Josh pulls me against him and orders Sausage Link to drive.

Throughout the ride, I zoned out, my eyes focused on my hands and the bit of dried blood.

I did it for you..
He was going to hurt you..

I close my eyes and let out a shaky breath.

"We're here." Josh says, gently pulling my arm and helping me out of the car.

Once out, Josh leads me inside and straight to the stairs.

I look up at him as he pulls me along and straight to his room.

I try to pull away from him and go to my room, but he gives me a look that dared me to move away again.

Josh pulls me into the bathroom and starts the shower and he puts the lid of the toilet down, telling me to sit.

He turns to me, running a hand through his hair. He steps forward and starts to unbutton his shirt.

I blush, looking away from him as I sit down, my hands pulling at the hem of my shirt.

Once he's done, he gently grabs my hands and pulls me up, then he cups my face in his hands, looking in my eyes.

"We're gonna clean you off, okay? I promise I won't do anything to you..unless you want it." he tells me, brushing his knuckles along my cheek softly.

I close my eyes at his touch, leaning into his touch a bit as my heart rate quickens.

Josh reaches down and grabs my shirt, carefully pulling it over my head.

I open my eyes as Josh drops it onto the floor along with his clothes.

I look up at him biting my lip and then slowly unbutton my jeans, pulling them off and seeing that he's doing the same.

Carefully, I take off my bra and panties, gasping as Josh grabs my hand and pulls me into the shower, my chest against his as the water rains down on us.

Josh reaches over and grabs a small rag from the shelf, pouring body wash onto it before gently massaging it on my shoulder.

Our eyes meet and Josh reaches up, washing the blood from my face before leaning forward and pressing his lips against my cheek.

I take the rag from him and massage the soap into his chest, biting my lip as I look up at him.

"Cola.." he whispers, his voice low and sending shivers across my body.

I shake my head, dropping my hand. "I'm sorry..I just-"

I'm cut off my Josh's lips smashing against mine, his hands cupping my cheeks as he pulls me against him.

I part my lips, allowing his tongue to invade my mouth. I moan quietly against his lips and grip the back of his neck, pressing against him gently.

Josh groans against my lips and picks me up, wrapping my legs around his waist as he slams me into the shower wall.

I break the kiss to breathe as the water pours over our heads.

Josh drags his lips along my jaw and down my neck, sucking lightly. The feel of his lips on me makes my skin burn with desire and I lean my head back, moaning softly.

I move my hips get more comfortable and Josh groans, gripping my thighs tightly. "Cola, if you keep moving I'm gonna take you right here." he says, meeting my eyes.

I swallow hard, licking my lips and Josh makes a noise deep in his throat. He kisses me once more before carefully setting me back on my feet.

We stand under the water, looking at each other for a bit before Josh clears his throat and looks away.

"We need to shower up and get back to the Warehouse." he says, his voice hard again.

I can't believe we just did that. That. I kissed him. What the actual heck?

I nod, looking down as Josh hands me some shampoo.

We finish the shower up quickly and Josh steps out first, grabbing a towel and drying off a bit before wrapping the towel around his waist.

Josh grabs another one and hands it to me, avoiding eye contact.

"Josh..can we talk about what just happened?" I ask, wrapping the towel around my body securely.

He shakes his head, looking away and walking into his room. "No. Go get dressed. Once we get back to the Warehouse you're going to need to find Chase and Jenny right away."

I nod, walking out of the bathroom and straight to my room, letting out a long sigh.

This is going to be a long night.

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