Chapter Eleven

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I woke up to Josh banging on the door.

"Cola! Hurry up and get dressed. We're gonna be late." he shouts.

I groan and sit up, running a hand over my face before throwing the blankets off of me and doing my morning business.

After washing up, I quickly change into a pair of wind shorts and another black sports bra. I leave my hair down and slip on my shoes before opening the door and catching Josh's fist in my hand as he goes to bang on my door again.

"I'm ready. Now stop." I snap, tossing his arm to the side and shoving past him to the stairs.

"Well, it's about damn time. I've only been standing there for twenty minutes." he snaps back.

I roll my eyes and look at my watch. "You're such a liar. It took me like 10 minutes to get ready. Not even that." I reply as we head down the stairs.

Josh shakes his head, looking at his watch. "No, it was twenty is you count the time I stood there banging on your door to get you up."

I roll my eyes and see Louis drinking some orange juice as we walk into the kitchen.

"Morning." he says, his eyes following me as I walk to the fridge and get myself the jug of orange juice.

I rummage around in the cabinets looking for a cup until Louis opens the cabinet above the sink and hands me a glass cup, a smirk on his lips.

"Thanks." I mutter, taking the cup and pouring myself a glass of juice as I look at Josh.

"So, what are we doing today?" I ask.

Josh is leaning against the door frame to the kitchen and I finally take in his attire. He's wearing fitted black dress pants and red button down shirt that hugged it tone torso and I swallowed looking away from him.

"Well, we're going to the theatre for you to practice with the other girls that are going to be on stage with you and then once I feel comfortable with you and the routine, you'll be coming with me to a meeting and a deal before the party starts." Josh tells me.

I nod, drinking the last of my juice and putting the cup in the dishwasher. "Sounds good."

Josh nods and looks at me, his eyes raking down my body before snapping to Louis who's standing beside me. "You're staying here  and making sure we're not followed before meeting us back at the Ware. Understood?"

Louis nods, giving Josh a lazy salute before walking past him. "Yes sir."

I smirk and bite my lip, looking down at my hands.

Josh rolls his eyes and comes over to me, grabbing my arm and leading me to the door.

"C'mon. We need to get moving. Bruce is already in the car waiting for us." he says.

I rip my arm free from his harsh grip and sigh as Josh opens the door and leads the way to the SUV.

Once inside, Sausage speeds out of the driveway and we're on our way to Josh's warehouse.

The ride was silent until Josh breaks the silence, facing the window.

"How did you sleep?" he asks.

I blink, surprised at his question. "Uhm, good, I guess. It was good. The sheets were...soft." I mutter.

Josh smirks and finally looks at me from where he's sitting.

"My sheets are a lot more comfortable. Maybe you should try them out sometime." he says, his eyes never leaving mine.

My cheeks flame and I look down at my lap, shaking my head. "You're so damn bipolar, Josh Aaron. One moment you're pressed against a girl you barely know-"

"An attractive girl I barely know." Josh cuts in, smiling.

I shoot him a glare. "Don't interrupt. It's rude. And then you're gone, then you slam me into a desk, then you kiss the wound that you caused, and then you're bitchy again and now you're flirting. I just don't get it." I say, laughing a bit.

Josh studies me for a bit and then I look behind me to see Sausage pushing the button that rolls up the divider and avoiding my eyes.

I raise a brow and turn back to Josh who has moved to where he's now on his knees in front of me.

"Have you ever been touched by a man before, Cola?" he asks, his voice low and his eyes shining with mischief.

I swallow hard and clench my fists at my sides, looking away from him.  "I don't see how that's any of your business."

Josh smirks and reaches up, gripping my chin and moving until we're eye level. "So you haven't." he says, biting his lip as his eyes take in my body.

"So pure and innocent..Such full lips that I'd love to see wrapped around me." he says, his thumb brushing along my bottom lip slowly.

I lick my lips nervously and make of the mistake of touching his thumb with my tongue and Josh's eyes light up instantly, his grip tightening on my chin and he moves his hand to cradle my head as he leans forward.

I could practically feel my heart beating out of my chest. Not just with nerves and the fact that Josh was talking so dirty and touching me, but the fact that this had never happened before and that I didn't even know him.

I watched as Josh leans forward, his lips hovering just over mine and as I think he's going to kiss me, he pulls back, laughing so hard that he's clutching his stomach as he moves back to his seat.

"We're here, Boss." Sausage says, his voice muffled through the divider.

My cheeks burn and I wait until Bruce opens the door and I get out, storming away and to the doors of the warehouse.

Harry comes up beside me and knocks on the door, wiping his eyes. "You're so gullible, Cola. Honestly, that was the best thing ever." he says.

I growl lightly, then punch him in the gut as the door slides open and I walk in, leaving Josh doubled over and coughing as I make my way to the theatre.

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