Chapter Two

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The man, Josh, slid into the seat beside me and I watched as a man even bigger than him sat beside Summer, his arm going around her shoulder and giving a squeeze.

Summer whimpers and closes her eyes.

I look at the man next to her, my eyes narrowing. "Get your sausage link off of my sister."

The man slowly moves his arm away and glances at Josh.

The man besides me chuckles and I feel something poking my side.

Looking down, I see the barrel of a gun pushed against my skin. I swallow hard and look up at the man pointing the gun at me, only to look away quickly.

Holy shit, this guys is hot.

I feel his hard, green eyes bore into the side of my now flushed face and I bite my lip.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"What's your name, cola?" he asks, his voice like silk in my ears.  I look down at my shirt and blink.

I clear my throat and glance at Summer, who's visibly shaking and sigh.

"Frankie. Frankie Jones."

Harry's eyebrows go up and he looks between Summer and I. "Ah, sisters, I take it?"

Summer and I nod and I look over at Josh.

"Look, whatever happened, we can work it out, okay? If she owes money or drugs, we'll get them back." I snap at him.

Josh's eyes harden once more and he jerks me to my feet.

I stumble a bit, the alcohol finally getting to me and I watch and sausage man grabs Summer and hoists her up.

"Hey, don't touch her!" I shout.

Josh drags me out the back door and the man follows, carrying the now screaming Summer.

I see a black SUV pull up and the back door opens.

Josh pushes me inside and I hit the leather seats hard.

He quickly climbs in and Sausage man follows suit, slamming the door shut behind him.

"Drive!" Josh shouts.

The SUV speeds off and I'm slammed against the seats once again.

"What the hell is going on? What do you want?" I ask, looking at Josh, who's putting his gun away, safely in the back of his pants.

As I look around the SUV, I notice that the seating was that of a limo. Summer and Saugage on one side, Josh and I on the other.

When I focus back onto what's going in, the car is quiet.

Josh looks at me for a long while, as if taking in every detail of my face before he looks at Summer.

"You stabbed Bryan. He wants you dead, you know?" He says, glancing at Summer.

Summer nods, not meeting his eyes.

"You also cost me a lot of money, Summer." he says.

Summer looks up at that, her eyes red from crying. "I'll pay it all back, I swear I will. I promise." she says, clasping her hands together in front of her.

"You'll pay back $1.3 million? Ha!" Josh snorts, leaning back in his seat, his arm wrapping around the back of it.

"It'll take you years. Plus, all of Bryan's men will be looking for you." He says.

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