Chapter Eight

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It was cold in the SUV we were in.

Josh sat facing me and Louis and I sat next to each other.

The ride was awkward and silent until Josh spoke up, looking out the window.

"I want you to continue your studies while you're here. I can't have you going back to Uni. but I had Bruce bring over your study materials and laptop. You should study more in the seizures and what to do if someone ODs. Also gunshot wounds and how to properly treat them." he tells me.

I scoff, turning to look at him. "I already know this. It's one of the first things we learn besides y'know, following the law." I drag out.

Louis stifles a laugh beside me and covers his mouth, turning to face the window when Josh snaps his head in his direction.

After a minute, Josh looks over at me and smirks. "Well, it's always good to be prepared. Now, Bruce has your things put away in your room. It's right across the hall from the master bedroom, mine, and I'll show you around. Louis will make sure that your things are hooked up to the internet and then stay with you. I have business to attend to after your little tour so I'll be back late. I'll have the chef prepare your food for you."

"Nah, mate. I'll just call something in." Louis says, his laughter subsiding.

Josh nods, then pulls out his phone and types something quickly.

"Um...when can I see my sister?" I ask, looking at Josh.

Josh looks at me over the top of his phone and rolls his eyes, focusing back on the screen. "Saturday. After your fight and only if you win."

"Are you serious?" I exclaim.

"Frankie, calm down." Louis says, touching my arm in a comforting way.

I snatch my arm away and scoff, looking out the window. "Shut up."

The rest of the ride was quiet once more and soon the SUV came to a stop outside of a large dark brick house.

Bruce gets out of the drivers seat and comes around, opening the door and Josh gets out, then myself and then Louis.

Once outside, Josh starts walking to the front door and types something into the small keypad by the door before it opens and he walks in.

Louis and I give each other a look before we hurry inside and he shuts the door behind us.

"Well, this is it." Josh says, gesturing to the house.

My jaw drops as I look around.

To the right, there's a few steps that lead to the living room where there are gray chairs and couches and large TV.

To the left  is the biggest kitchen I've ever seen. Dual ovens and master chef type things that I honest didn't really know the name of. 

"I'll show you around." Harry says, looking at me.

I nod and together we move to the where the living room is.

 "Well, you know what this is, obviously. Don't mess up my recordings, I'll bloody shoot you. Supernatural has a thirteenth season and it's pretty damn good. So don't mess with the DVR." Josh tells me.

I nod, smiling small. "Yeah, I like Supernatural too. I'm a Dean girl." I say.

Josh chuckles and then we move into another room filled with built in bookshelves that were filled with books and pictures.

"This is the parlor and library. I have a lot of books here from all over. You're welcome to read what you want." Josh says.


Josh nods and he points to the door in the hallway by the stairs. "That's the powder room. The door's a little rusty so it sticks and you might get stuck."

I raise my eyebrows, looking over at him, then nod, not wanting to say anything as we continue walking.

We pass the kitchen and head up the stairs.

"There are four rooms here, each with their own bathroom so you won't have to use anyone else's." Josh explains, looking back at me.

Once we're upstairs, I take in the pictures on the walls and the paintings. I notice that all of the doors to the rooms were different colors and Josh stops in front of the red door and looks at me.

"This room is yours. I took the liberty of taking some of your pictures and other things from your old apartment and brought them here. Most of your books and all your clothes are put away, you can thank Bruce later. My room is the black door, the grey and white doors are guest rooms. Usually Louis and Chase sleep in those, so stay out of there." Josh says.

"Right..Can I go in?" I ask, gesturing to the door to my new room.

Josh nods and then checks his phone. "Go ahead. I have to go now. I'll leave Louis here but I'll be back maybe for super."

I nod, then open the door to my room and walk in, shutting it behind me. 

The room was gorgeous. 

A full sized bed, accompanied with white pillow cases, red sheets, and a white comforter. A bookshelf that rook up all of one wall and was filled with the books that I noticed were from my room and a TV on the wall, facing my bed. Yippie for that

As I look around, I take in the abstract wall décor and paintings and then head into the bathroom.

"Finally...A damned shower." I mutter to myself as I look around the giant bathroom.

There was a shower in one corner and a large tub in the other, and then the sink and toilet. There was a small cabinet by the sink and I opened it to find a mixture of white and red towels.

I took one of the red towels out and put it on the small rack by the shower and got undressed, then tried to start up the shower but was shook at the different buttons on the wall.

"What the hell is this?" I exclaim.

I pushed a few buttons but nothing worked and I growled in aggravation. 

"Louis!" I called out, grabbing the towel and wrapping around my body so he won't see my nudies.

"Louis!" I call again.

I hear pounding on the steps and then the door to my bedroom slam open.

I raise my brows and jump back when Louis comes into the bathroom holding a gun in his hand.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" he asks, looking around.

I swallow hard, trying not laugh. "Uhm..I just need help starting the shower." I tell him.

It was then that Louis actually looks at me and I watch as his face reddens and he puts his gun away.

"Right. Well," he says, walking past me and to the shower, opening the door. "You have to push the hot and cold buttons at the same time to start it up."

I watch as he does as he says and the water starts spraying from the shower head.

"Now, the water is lukewarm and you just tap the hot water to make it more hot and the cold to make it colder. Does that make sense?" He asks, looking back at me.

I nod, clutching the towel tighter to me and shifting awkwardly. "Yeah, I got it."

Louis nods and then moves around me and to the door.

"Oh, and Frankie?" he says, hesitating by the door.

I look up at him, my brows furrowing. "Yeah?"

Louis swallows, then looks away. "No-Never mind.  It's nothing." hey says, then leaves.

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