Chapter Six

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I looked around and spotted Chase on the balcony, grinning down at Josh and I.

We waited for him to come down and Chase smiled as he came over to us.

"Hello, Frankie." he says, then turns and nods to Harry.

"We need her to learn the routine for tomorrow night. So let's get started." Josh says, walking behind me and to his little throne chair in the middle of the room.

"Of course, sir. I also got the fabric for her outfit and will be ready before tomorrow's show." Chase says, wrapping his arm around my shoulders as he leads me to the stage.

"So, what's the theme for tomorrow's party?" I ask, looking at Josh.

Chase's cheeks redden and I raise a brow as we go up the steps and onto the stage.

He looks at me, then glances at Josh before looking down. "Uhm, it's a BDSM theme. Lot's of chains and whips.."

"Oh my fu.cking God." I exclaim, turning to face Harry. "Just what the hell goes on here? Are you a drug lord or a sadist?"

Josh smirks, crossing his leg and brushing a thumb across his lips. "Both, actually."

I choke on my next words, swallowing hard and turning away.

I look at Chase who's face is almost as red as mine. "Does he have to stay here for this?" I ask.

Chase nods and covers his mouth to stifle his laugh.

I groan and run a hand through my hair before putting it up in a pony.

"Alright, let's get this over with."  I snap.

"No! No, no, no!" Jenny yells.

I flinch, taking a deep breath as I stop all movements.

Jenny got here a bit after Josh and I did and we finally put music to the rhythm and the beats that Niall was teaching me before.

"Frankie, hon. You suck. If you're gonna survive here, you need to dance. Right now, you're just flailing around. Ew. Move your hips, get with the music." Jenny snaps.

I groan, shrugging my shoulders as I look down.

"I'm sorry. I've never really done this before. I danced around my room and did the two step at prom but that's it! That's all I'm good for." I snap back.

Jenny sighs, walking over to me.  As she walks over to me, I final get a chance to take her in.

She was a pale Mexican. Average height and the longest hair I've ever seen, The black and brown locks went almost past the back of her knees, even in the tight braid it was in. She had full, pouty lips and the lightest brown eyes. She also knew how to dance like a damn goddess.

"Suck it up, Frank. Now, I'll give you a ten minute break, then we're back here, and working twice as hard. We're not leaving until you get it right." She says.

I nod, looking away from her.

Jenny turns on her heels, her thick braid slapping my bare stomach.

I watch as she stomps out of the theatre, only stopping to grab Chase's shirt and tug him along.

Chase shoots be an apologetic glance before he disappears out the door.

Sighing loudly, I plop onto the floor and then lay back, looking up at the ceiling.

"You're not that bad." a voice says, next to me.

I look over and see Josh standing there, his hands in his pockets.

I scoff and look back at the ceiling. "Are you kidding? I look like a damn donkey up there. I'm not cut out for this." I tell him.

Josh nods. "Yeah, you're not. But you can improve. C'mon." He says, offering me his hand.

I look at him, then sigh and take his hand, letting him pull me to a standing position.

He lets go of me and then walks over to the stereo, turning it back on, the music blasting around me once more.

I watch as Josh turns around and takes off his suit jacket, setting it carefully on the back of a chair in the corner.

He walks back to me and turns me around, facing the seats.

"You're too stiff, Cola." he says, his voice low as he circles me. "You need to feel the music...move with it." he says, coming to a stop behind me.

I swallow hard, clenching my fists.

Josh puts his hands on my hips firmly and moves them in circles to the beat of the music.

"Josh, I don't th-" I start.

"Shut up." he interrupts, "Now close your eyes." he tells me.

I sigh, closing my eyes.   "Now what?" I ask.

"Now.." he whispers, pressing closer. "Feel the music."

I look and stare so deep in your eyes

I touch on you more and more every time

When the bass hits, Josh snaps my hips to the side, following the moves that Jenny and Chase were just teaching me.

Josh's fingers move up a bit and I shiver as his cold skin brushes against my hot skin.

When you leave I'm begging you not to go

Call your name two or three times in a row

Josh pulls me against the front of his body and I gasp.

"Keep your eyes closed, Cola. " Josh whispers, his voice deep.

I nod and lean my head back against his shoulder, moving my body with the beat of the music.

Josh slides his hands up my sides slowly, then pushes the top of my body down to the swish move the Jenny yelled at me for, then stepped away.

"Keep going." He says.

Got me looking so crazy right now

Your love's got me looking so crazy right now 

Got me looking so crazy right now

Your touch got me looking so crazy right now

(Your love) Got me hoping you'll save me right now

Your kiss got me hoping you'll save me right now (your love)

Looking so crazy in love

Got me looking, got me looking so crazy in love

I end the dance on my knees, my hair in my face, loose from my pony and breathing heavily.

I hear slow claps and snap my head up, looking at the double doors where Jenny and Chase were standing, looking dumfound .

"Th-that was amazing!" Chase exclaims, rushing toward me. "You did it right! Even better then Jenny!"

Jenny scoffs and walks towards us and then onto the stage. "It was okay. Just okay. Now we just need to see how she'll move in her outfit tomorrow and how she'll do with the prop girls."

I blink, then turn to Josh who's no longer there.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask, turning back to Jenny and Chase.

Jenny smirks, looking at me. "Oh, there are gonna be a few girls dancing as well and a few with chains and whips and stuff. Y'know...for the theme." she says.

"Oh!" I exclaim, blinking. "Well....that's....nice..."

Chase and Jenny burst out laughing, then wrap their arms around me and lead me out of the theatre.

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