Chapter Twenty

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I sat in the tub until the water was so cold my legs began to go numb.

After carefully getting out and grabbing a towel, I tried my hardest to bed over and dry myself off without straining or hurting myself too much.

To no avail, when I bent over one last time, I felt a pop in my side and I cried out in pain, dropping to the floor.

The towel, thankfully, fell first to cushion my fall, though not very well, and I hit the floor hard.

Clutching my side, I screamed and writhed on the floor, tears spilling from my eyes that I clenched shut.

I heard the door open and Josh stood there with a pair of sweat pants on and no shirt.

"What the hell happened?" He demands, dropping to his knees beside me.

I opened my eyes, looking at him before biting my lip and looking away. "I was trying to dry myself off, but it hurt to bend over and move and I didn't want to call you because I know you're mad at me and I was mad and then j actually did bend over and there was a pop an-"

Josh cuts me off by smashing his lips against mine, his hands cupping my face gently.

I'm shocked by his actions and look up at him when he pulls back, his eyes searching mine. "Cola, what I did was stupid and I'm sorry if I hurt you. I got a bit offended at what you said and I acted out rudely. I'm not mad at you, and if you ever need help, just tell me." He says.

I hesitate, then nod and look away.

"My side hurts really bad. I think I might have broken a rib or two." I mumble.

Josh nods and runs his hand along my naked side slowly, his fingers moving as light as feathers across my skin.

I shiver and then hiss in pain when his fingers stop at two lumps on my side with dark bruises already forming.

"Right here. There's not much to do about broken ribs but I can get you some KTAPE and heating pad. Well just sleep here tonight and I'll have Louis bring some more clothes." Josh says, carefully picking me up and carrying me to the couch that was already pulled out into the bed.

I smirk as he lays me down and goes to get the heating pad, his phone in his hand, texting away.

I reached for the blanket and carefully covered myself up.

After a few minutes, I feel something warm being slid under my side.

I look over and see Josh standing there, his hands on my skin as he tries to help me onto the heating pad.

Once it's situated, Josh looks back at his phone and checks the time. "It's only around one. You can sleep here for a bit. If you need anything just holler."

He started to move away but I reached out and grabbed his hand, making him stop and look at me.

"Josh..will you please stay with me?" I ask quietly.

Josh's hard features soften at the words and he nods, climbing into the bed with me.

I'm laying on my good side and Josh scoots in behind me, his nearly naked body against my completely naked one. He wraps his arm around lower waist and presses a kiss to my shoulder.

"How are you feeling?" He asks me quietly.

I shrug and lower my hand to where his was resting, stroking the back of his hand lightly. 

"I've been better."

Josh smirks and nibbles my shoulder before pausing and looking down at me. "Where did you learn how to fight? I was watching you, the way you was like you've done this before."

I pause, craning my back to look at him. "My dad taught me. Me and my sister. After our Mom died, he was dead set on teaching my sister and I how to defend ourselves. I mean, we live in Chicago. Mugging, rapes, and kidnappings happen all the time."

Josh nods and gently strokes my lower waist, causing my breath to hitch a bit.

"Well, I'm glad he taught you otherwise I would've had to drag a nearly dead Cola off my ring." He says, chuckling into the crook of my neck.

I smile small and relax against him, the heating pad working wonders on my sore ribs.

"Can I ask you something?" I whisper after a moment.

Josh's body tenses and he nods slowly.

I swallow hard and turn on my back, biting my lip through the pain.

Josh moves a but and looks down at me, frowning. "What is it?" He asks.

I reach up and cup his cheek in my hand, brushing my thumb along his cheekbone and lip slowly.

"Why do you like me? I barely know you. What we're doing is wrong..but I can't get enough if you." I mutter the last part, my eyes meeting his.

Josh looks down at me for a while before leaning down and kissing me softly.

I groan quietly against his lips and he pulls back, burying his face in my neck.

"I like you...because you're different. You don't expect sex or want money or drugs. You're innocent in so many ways and I cherish that. You don't put up with my shit and you don't take shit from anyone...I just want you." He confesses.

I look up at the ceiling, my breathing a but heavy after hearing his words.

"I've known you less than a week..but Summer talked about you non-stop, Cola. About how smart you are, about how you're so creative and just so damn amazing. I knew from the first time she mentioned you, that I wanted to get to know you, wanted to see you, touch you." He whispers, dragging his fingers up my thigh slowly.

I bite my lip and gently grip onto his biceps, leaning my head to the side a bit.

"Now, Cola...what do you want?" He asks, biting my neck lightly.

I moan softly and and squeeze his arms as his fingers move closer to where I'm aching.

"Josh, please.." I whimper, looking up at him.

Josh looks down at me, his light eyes now dark with something I can't quite place.

"What is it you want, Fankie?"

I swallow hard, meeting his eyes.


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