Chapter Three

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"What the hell did you say?" Josh asks, looking at the man.

The man shut the door behind us and him and Harry engaged in a heated discussion.

I took the moment to look around the warehouse and was stunned at what I saw.

There were three stories and spiral staircases that led up to each story.

I watch as about a dozen workers hauled crates and boxes of what I can only assume were drugs into nearly stacked piles that were labeled; LSD, 8-Ball, Cocaine, Weed, Heroin, Meth and a few others that I didn't want to know about.

I noticed a desk in the corner and a large safe behind it, along with five or six tables with bags of drugs and weapons.

"I see you're taking it all in." A voice says beside me.

I jump and look, only to see Summer giving me a small, dad smile.

"Jesus H. fuckin Christ. Can you like, not do that?" I snap, placing my hand over my heart, beating out of my chest.

Summer shrugs, looking around.

"This is where it all happens. There's never a deal here. Josh's smart like that. He doesn't want people to know where he lives and where all the product goes." She tells me.

That is smart.

I nod, looking around, then back at Josh who's still yelling at the guy that let us in.  

Josh pauses, his green eyes meeting mine for a second and holding before he goes back to snapping at the poor dude.

"He's really not that bad." Summer says.

My brows furrow as I look at her. "What do you mean?" I ask.

Summer grins, looking at me.

"He's not that bad. He has a good heart..but a bad temper." She says.

I roll my eyes, "How good can his heart be if he's going around and selling death to people?" I ask, gesturing to the stacks and boxes of drugs around the ground floor.

Summer stiffens, her own brown eyes hardening. She got our dad's eyes.

"He does what he has to do to make a living. Just like me. I did what I had to do to survive, Frank. What did you expect after you and dad practically disowned me." She snaps.

I gape at her, my eyes widening. "First of all, you were the one that left. Dad and I were just pissed that you were doing drugs. So he sent you to rehab, then you quit and left that, and then wouldn't talk to us for months, and then months turned into years. It wasn't our fault. We just wanted to help." I tell her.

Summer rolls her eyes, turning away. "I'm gonna go pack. See ya." She says, walking away from me.

Sighing, I rub my temples and look up when I see Josh coming towards me.

"Well, I'm sorry I never introduced you two. Louis, mate, this is Cola. Our new dealer and...entertainer." he says, a smirk on his full lips as he looks at me.

Louis smiles at me, reaching his hand out. "Nice to meet you." he says, his accent like silk flowing from his mouth.

I smile small and shake his hand, squeezing hard.

Louis's brows furrow as he pulls his hand back, chuckling. "Damn, you've got a strong grip." he says.

He turns to Josh and pats his back. "You might want to consider making her thug. I feel like she's a tough girl."

Josh glances at me, then pulls out his phone as it vibrates loudly in his pocket. "No." he says, looking at his phone.

I'm about to ask what the problem was until he looks up quickly, shoving his phone back in his pocket.

"Well, let's get you moved in, shall we? Time to introduce you to more people." Josh says, walking past me, our shoulders bumping.

Louis shrugs at me and follows Josh to the middle of the floor where he stands on a small stage that was built and claps his hands twice.

The claps echoed throughout the warehouse and people looked up from their work and once they saw Josh standing there, they all quickly made their ways around him to here his announcement.

"Hello everyone. It's nice to see you all working hard." he says, smiling to the small crowd.

"Now, I have some news for you all. Summer is dead." Josh continues.

The crowd of people gasp and one girl even starts crying at his words.

"The incident at Bryan's place..There was no choice. She hurt the client, she knew the rules." he says, looking around the room.  "But we have a new recruit coming to us." he says, looking back at me.

I pause, raising a brow at Josh as he reaches his hand towards me to join him on the small podium.

"Go." Louis whispers, giving me a small push towards the glaring crowd the even worse Josh.

I scoff, glancing back at Louis and giving him the finger before Josh takes my bird flipping hand and pulls me next to him.

"This, is Cola. She's new. She'll be taking over for Summer in...all of the departments." Josh tells them, grinning.

I look at him and then back at Louis, then back at Josh.

"I'd like you all to make her feel welcomed and even teach her a few things before our next big show and deal, got it?" he snaps.

Everyone grumbled a 'yes sir' and then disbanded and got back to work.

Josh turns to me and grabs my arm, leading me over to the spiral staircase that leads up to the next story.

"What's up here?" I ask, looking at him.

Josh sighs, letting go of my arm. "This floor is for the offices. Mainly Louis and Bruce are up here. My office and space are on the top floor." he says.

I nod, then look at him again.

"Um...don't hate me for asking this," I say.

"Too late." He mutters.

I roll my eyes and sigh. "Who's Bruce?" I ask.

Josh grins, looking at me are we reach the top floor.

"Bruce is the guy you call Sausage." he tells me.


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