Embarassed ~ (xKyroz)

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Age: 17

Request For: ZoePlanet


"Shut up dude!" I groan to him, throwing my phone on the bed, as it was on speaker. "Come on bb, just admit it. You like my sister!" Ignoring him, I pick up Y/n's year book photo, she's a charmer. And really pretty. "You're a cunt you know that?" I place it back on my shelf combing my blonde hair. "My sister has one.. Make sure to use protection when you're fucking i-,"

"What a fag.."


"You like him, don't you?" Lucas, my annoying brother asked me. He was asking about my bestfriend, John. I do have a slight crush on him but Lucas doesn't need to know that. "No, no for the last damn time Lucas ok?"

"Sheesh what's going on down there?" I gave him a death glare as he ran out laughing. Picking up a pillow, I threw it at his head. "BITCH!" I walk over to him and step on him. "Call me a bitch again." Laughing and being disobedient, I use my other foot to step on his hand. "Ow fuck! Ok! Ok! You bitch!" Smirking, I get off of him as he breathes heavily. "Exactly, bitches do what they're told." ... "I hate you!" He groans.


As I walked into my normal seat Mrs. Delaware stopped me. "Ms. L/n your seat was changed with Alana, please rotate at this once." I gave a confused look and stared at John, who turned his head away not paying attention. "Ok..?" I shrugged it off and headed toward the new seat, sitting by Souls and Cam.


The day continued and John still ignored me, why is he so butthurt? Heading into class I sat next to John, who uncomfortably kept his distance as if he was trying to, ignore me? "John?" As he tensed he looked down at the assignment given to us, continuing to ignore me. "Well fuck you too.." I mutter, grabbing out my pen.



Jumping out of my seat I grabbed my bag, hoping to see John but he was no where in sight. Dropping my stuff in my locker I headed toward the packed lunch room, getting shoved by other kids greedy to get something to eat. Looking around, I spotted him at a lunch table with, Lucas?

I growled, why is he ignoring me? "John!" I screamed making him jump. He looked back at Lucas who pushed him aside, scooting away from him. "H-Hey Y-Y/n.." I cross my arms and walk toward him. "John what's going on with you? Why are you acting like this?"

He scooted away, leaving a space for me to sit at. He began playing with his fingers, rubbing them together, until my hand grabbed his rough ones. "What's wrong?" His blue eyes stared at mine, full of worry as he gripped my shoulders. "Y-Y/n.. I-I," he looked back, his gaze on something else until I turned his head toward mine.

"T-Tell me!" A tear slipped down my face as I trembled lightly. "I-I like you!" I stared at him, mouth open. The space between us closed as he kissed me and I kissed back. We pulled away, giving him a smile I pecked his cheek. "I like you too.."

"I SHIP IT!!" We turned around and spotted Lucas as everyone stared at him.


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