Chapter 49: Blue Waves

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A/N: Hello! Happy (early) Christmas!!
Anyhow, here's chapter 49! Hope you like it (though its a bit short) and Happy reading!!

1987 Milan, Italy

The line kept on echoing back to my pitiful ears. The high falsetto sound replaying and intertwining with my blank thoughts. 

My throat dry and parched as I heaved a broken breath from my lips. 

My chest waned and slumps inside its hollow cage; my fingers letting the phone slip, the dangling cord wrapping around the counter's surface. 

I was now at a loss for what to feel. 

The clinging feeling of desperation was still there.

That desperate need and want still inked in my head with each second, growing. 

But now, it's all blank. 

Like a layered of white paint, it slaughters everything else--leaving only a dull and empty color as a reminder that there's nothing left. 

I don't even know how to describe it. 

It wasn't the piercing pain where all my membranes seemed to be torn from my body; pulled out of my chest, every part, every piece kneaded across a jagged dagger. 

Yet, this wasn't a mindless pain either.

It's there. 

Lurking, just slightly less noticeable as it hurts slowly. 

The clock hangs aimlessly across the counter, the hands ticking in my head. 

The solid three numbers of 2:46 etches its black surface into my eyes along with it's incessant sound. 

Ok. Ok, get it together Leo.

I lectured myself. 

Pressing a palm to my forehead, I took a deep breath before cooling my head to take this all in. 

Besides, if I didn't, who will?

Licking my lips dryly, I tried to wrap my head around the matters threading inside my mind.

Alden took off around early morning, with his two pistols and the black car.
Strangely enough, no one in the city has caught sight of him.

Except for the few people designating me to find him at the port.

Which, I'm pretty sure was all his doing.

But, he decided to call me. Telling me to stop looking for him.

Did he planned that or was this coincidental?

If he planned it, is he nearby?

My head was getting ahead of itself; taking another calm breath. I let the tangled thoughts once again unravel.

Come on Leo, think.

When Alden called me, their were sounds of wave splashing behind him.

The sounds rocking in between the tiny speakers as it made it's way to my ears. It was faint, but still there. 

Is he near the ocean?

Can he even call me from there? He planned it didn't he? What exactly is he trying to do?

Fuck it, the ocean is worth a shot. 

Scrambling out of the tangled cord, I busted open the front door; the frame buckling as the copper bell above, rocked and cracked.

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