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Stan's POV

I woke up at 4 a.m in the morning. I stared at my window as I remembered a lot of things from yesterday.

My eyes widened and my heart started racing as I remembered Bill asking me to go with him at the petshop today.

"This is my chance to show him how special he is to me" I smiled.

I was feeling all lovey-dovey until dad came.

"I want you to memorize a chapter in the Torah. You are to recite it to me this afternoon. If you fail to do so, I will not let you go out with your friends today. Am I making myself clear Stanley?" He said loud and clear infront of me.

I nodded at him and then he left. I slumped myself onto my bed as I sighed heavily.

"Guess I have to let Bill know I can't come. He might as well take Beverly instead of me".

Standing up, I walked over to the table. I phoned Bill and luckily he answered immediately.

"Hello Bill? It's Stan, uhm I can't go to the petshop today..."

There was a bit of silence at the other end of the line.

"W-why not S-sta-stan?" He answered.

"Because dad said I have to memorize a chapter today. If I fail to do that, he won't let me out" I responded quietly. Bill became silent.

I couldn't hear anything except his heavy breathing.

"I s-s-see... I g-gu-guess maybe n-next time" he said.

"Yeah, next time.. Bye Bill" I said sadly as I put the telephone down.

Slowly, I walked back to my bed and started to get ready for the day. It was already six-thirty when I finished preparing myself.

I sat on my boring table as I opened the Hebrew's bible.

Tap tap.

I heard a faint noise.

I looked around and saw nothing so I began reading again.

Tap tap!

This time, it was louder. I started to feel frightened with the weird sound I was hearing. Then I heard it again, this time I knew where it was coming from.

I went to my closed window and saw tiny rocks bouncing on it from the other side. I opened the window carefully and peeked below. I was shocked when I saw Bill holding up a ladder and some stones.

"Bill! What are you doing?" I mouthed at him.

He didn't answer me and then he started climbing up the ladder to my window.

After a few moments, he was there in front me, in my room.

"I thought I told you I can't come today?" I said while blushing.

"A d-day won't be c-co-complete without you. B-be-besides, I want to s-show you the b-bi-bird at the petshop" he stuttered in his soft voice.

Without saying anything I quickly took my backpack.

"Let's g-go Stan" Bill smiled.

I nodded at him and we both went down through the ladder outside.

Mike's POV

"Mike! It's for you!" Grandpa said while handing me the telephone.

"Hi? Oh hey Ben!".

"Hello Mike! Beverly and I are going out for an ice cream. Wanna join us?" He asked.

"As long as I ain't going to be a third wheel I'm in" I chuckled.

Ben laughed from the other line.

I ended the call as I said goodbye. I sighed in relief knowing Ben had won Beverly's heart. Eddie has Richie and Stan has Bill, and me? I have the Losers. It's the best thing I could ever have in my life and I'm happy for them.

"Grandpa! I'll be going to the town to meet up with my friends. I'll leave at maybe nine-thirty to be correct" I said kindly.

Grandpa agreed and then I started to finish my work so I could prepare myself.

After an hour of cattling the herd of sheep, I got myself ready. I went to the barn to get my bike then I rode it as I left the farm.

The fresh air was slowly disappearing and short buildings were being more prominent as I went further near the town.

Suddenly, a missing kid flyer flew before me. I remembered the past but it was all over now. "Don't worry, I'm here Derry".

I want nothing more (A Reddie Fanfiction)✓Where stories live. Discover now