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Eddie's POV

Bill and the others were already back home. It was just me and Richie walking on our way. Neither of us spoke nor made an eye contact. It was cold and sad. I kept quiet until we were just a few blocks away from my house.

"Hey Eddie?" Richie said softly. I stopped walking and turned to him slowly.

"Finally going to talk trashmouth?" Richie looked distraught as we finally had our eye contact.

Suddenly he pulled me in for an unexpected hug.

Well yeah of course I felt a bit defensive at first because his shirt was dirty and I don't like that. But a part of me knew he needed this hug. I rest my head on his shoulders as I put my arms around his neck. He held me like I was a fragile thing but at the same time he was pulling me with aggressiveness.

"Whatever happened earlier...it must have been really bad. I have never seen you cry before" I said in my solemn voice.

"Let's not talk about it Eds. I'd rather not, besides let me enjoy this moment. Getting a fucking hug from you? This would power me up for atleast a week or so" he chuckled.

I quickly faced him and looked at him in the eyes.

"You pulled me in for this hug Richie, not me" I retorted.

He pinched my cheeks as he laughed at me.

"You're so cute!" He exclaimed. I pushed him aside as my cheeks turned red.

"C'mon I have to go home, it's already 7:45 pm" I said while looking at my watch.

After that Richie and I continued to walk until I was in front of my house.

"How will you go inside? You're fat mom might do something horrible to you if she sees you" Richie said.

My heart raced as he held me with worry.

"She's still my mom, I know she wants nothing more than my safety. I'm going to be alright inside, okay?" I quickly assured Richie.

"Okay then, well see you later Eds!" He said while quickly running away fast.

"Yeah goodbye!" I yelled back.

Wait, did he just say see you later? Must have heard it wrong.

I shrugged then I went in quietly. The house was dimly lit and everything was the way it was supposed to be. I looked around as I closed the door without a sound. Slowly I took of my shoes and started making my way up to the stairs.

Suddenly I saw a big shadow upon the stairs. Shit, it's my mom. She looked at me with mixed emotions.

"Eddie bear why did you ran off like that!? You got mommy scared!" She cried.

She quickly hugged me and then looked at me to see if I was okay.

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" She asked.

I pushed her aside and got her a glass of water.

"Here, and calm down mom. They didn't do anything bad to me. I'm going to my bed now okay? Just calm down and go back to sleep" I said as I went up the stairs.

I immediately locked my room the moment I got inside of it. Then I went to the bathroom to take a bath. I felt so refreshed after that. I lay down my bed as I took a comic from my shelf.

Then I heard a noise.

It was a tapping noise. I looked around and saw nothing. Then I heard it again. It was coming from the window beside me. I opened it and saw Richie in front of me. He was climbing up using a ladder.

"Shit Richie! What are you doing? Didn't you have enough trespassing for one day? God!" I said in shocked.

He then went inside my bedroom and held my hand.

"Let's go to your roof! I want to show you something" he said enthusiastically.

"What? I just had a bath and now you want to go up there? It's dirty and full of dust" I groaned.

Richie pleaded with his puppy eyes that I can't resist.

"Fine" I groaned again.

We both went up silently and there I saw him pulled out a blanket. He laid it down so we can both sit.

"It's still dirty up here" I said.

"Eddie you're such princess" He said as he rolled his eyes at me.

I laughed at him as we gazed at the stars. We both propped our shoulders together. Everything was just perfect.

I want nothing more (A Reddie Fanfiction)✓Where stories live. Discover now