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Enjoy the new updateeeee💕 I'm going to update again tonight when I get home from my first date! You guys I am so nervous😲 here it is enjoyy💕💕💕

Mike's POV

"Kaspbrak !"

"Tozier !"

"Kaspbrak !"

"Tozier !"

     Richie and Eddie simultaeneously yelled out each other's last name. I nudged Ben who was reading a book beside me.

     "Uh why are they calling out each other's name?" I asked. 

     "Probably debating on who's name is to use when they get married someday" Ben laughed. I couldn't help it but laugh too.

     "Ugh why the hell are they fighting." Stan groaned. Richie upon hearing this turned his attention to Stan. 

     "It's a healthy fight between us lovers so butt out Stan" Richie quipped. 

     "FYI were not debating on that marriage shit you've been talking about and were so not lovers Richie. Trashmouth here said his last name is better than mine so technically I won't have that shit" Eddie explained. Seeing Richie and Eddie like this really warms my heart. I've always longed for moments like these with the Losers. It's what makes up my day and my life. 

    "Earth to Mike, can you hear us?" Stan said as he waved his hand infront of me. I shooked my head as I looked at them. 

     "I'm alright, I just had a thought" I said while giving them a smile.

     "Well I know how hungry you guys always get so I prepared a lunch basket for all of us!" Beverly giggled.

     "Now you're talking! Ya got some fat free food there? Eds might complain about the cholesterol shit again" Richie said while trying to hold back his laughs.

     "Let's go get that basket of yours Beverly" I said. She nodded at me the we proceeded to get the basket along with Ben. 

     "You guys go on. My wallet is missing. I probably dropped it somewhere over here" I said as I started looking for my wallet. 

     "Okay then Mike, if you can't find it just call us and we'll be here shortly okay?" Ben said in assurance. I nodded at him and then continued to look for my wallet.

     "Where could it be?" I asked myself. After a few minutes of looking and searching the ground, there I saw it behind a big boulder. I took it without second thoughts. 

     My attention was then turned to where I got it. Behind this massive boulder, hides a large animal footprint. I fell to the ground as I started panicking. Picking myself up, I ran as fast as I could back to the others.

     "Mike? Why were you running?" Beverly said as she hand me a sandwhich. The others looked at me with both confusion and worry. I drank the water Richie was drinking as I regained myself. 

     "Guys, I saw a big footprint of an animal back there. It was really big, too large for bear's footprint to be" I explained. Everybody suddenly became tensed. Eddie who was calmly chewing his sandwhich, quickly pulled out his inhaler and started puffing.

     "Maybe it was just an old footprint track" Stan said in form of a murmur. I shook my head at him. 

     "I don't think it's old. I looked at it and saw it was fresh. I'm not scaring you guys....but the animal footprint looked like it was just made today" I said in worry. Silence fell before us. It was just us and our exchange of heavy breathing. Suddenly I heard a rustling noise. The others heard it too and we quickly grouped ourselves in our defensive mode.

    "Fuck you, whatever it is hiding behind those bushes!" Richie cussed. After a few seconds of waiting, a tall man in police suit stood before us. 

    "Watch that language of yours young man. Anyways, you kids shouldn't be here. Apparently, there was a large bear sighted in this very place. Best if you all go home" the police said. 

    After he left we quickly fixed ourselves then got our things and left the place.

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