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Well this is the last continuation for Chapter 2😂 I might publish Chapter 3 tonight or tomorrow so.... Here it is, hope you like it😘 Btw I made a fanart of the Losers club and i'm going to show it here! 😘

Stan's POV

All of my friends hurled over Eddie. I can't see much because I was far above them but I saw Eddie fainting.

I have to be there for them! I just have too!

Slowly, I went outside my room but then my father was standing right before me.

"Stanley. Don't tell me you're sneaking out from your churchly duties?" He asked.

A cold shiver ran down my spine. I quickly went back in and locked the door. I started sobbing a bit. Even after all this time, I was still this scaredy little shit that couldn't protect any of his friends.

The truth is, I'm scared of my father.

I'm afraid of what he might do if he knew the truth about me and the Losers club. I felt really down and depressed that particular moment.

Suddenly I hear metal clanking from the window. I quickly went there to search for the sound when I saw Bill climbing up to my window again.

"B-bill! Why did you come back?!" I said in shock.

He batted his eyes at me before answering.

"I k-kinda left my pen a-a-at you're table Stan and b-besides Eddie f-f-fainted over there and I t-t-thought you w-wo-would want to see h-him also" Bill said as he reached out his hand to me.

Fear ripped through me.

I remembered my father and his resentment to my friends. I wanted to cry at that moment but not in front of Bill. I stopped my tears from flowing and took Bill's hand without hesitation.

"D-do-don't worry Stan, I'm h-here I p-pro-promise" he smiled at me as we both went down the ladder.

The moment I took a step on the my backyard it felt like the very first time I met Bill. It was calming and soothing. My friends were in front of me with Bill by my side.

I was never alone because they were with me all this time. With that, I know even fear will doubt me.

Richie's POV

Eddie slightly opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Jesus fuck Eds! You got me so fucking worried" I said while slowly stroking his face.

"Richie you weren't the only one who was worried you know" Stan said.

I rolled my eyes at him and looked at Eddie. He was so fragile at this state. So breakable and soft, he was the definition of a marshmallow. Eddie sat right up as he pulled out his inhaler.

"F-feeling b-be-better Eddie?" asked Bill worriedly.

"I am now. I guess I kinda panicked earlier then my asthma striked in the process" He said while coughing.

All of us quietly climbed up to Stan's bedroom then.

"Coming through people! Let my precious Eds rest!" I yelled at them.

Eddie pouted at me as I said that. He looked cute as ever.

"Precious Eds huh? You really have this huge crush on Eddie don't you Richie?" Beverly chuckled.

"No I don't fucker" I said in defense while hiding my blushing cheeks.

"Yeah right asshole, like I'll believe you" she continued to laugh.

Fucking women intuition.

Why'd they have to be fucking spot on for some reason?! I shook my head and turned my attention to sleeping Eddie. I looked around the room first. Ben, Beverly and Mike are busy chatting while Stan and Billy are having their usual awkward conversation, well I guess no one's gonna look at my direction anyways.

I turned to Eddie again. His eyelashes were long and his semi round face is really adorable. His nose was probably the cleanest one I've ever seen. And then, his soft pastel pink lips. Anywhere I look at his face, it still looked perfect.

Everything about Eddie Kaspbrak is perfect and beautiful.

I stroked his face one more time before tucking him the blanket.

"Hey Richie can you-" "Shhh!" I said quickly cutting of Mike's words. I held Eddie's hand tightly.

"Eds I will always be here for you, I promise you that".

"Eds I will always be here for you, I promise you that"

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(That's my fanart guys💕)

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