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Wahhhh here's the updateee and the part 2 of the parents' pov💕 Enjoy guys💕💕💕

Parent's POV

     Then silence fell before them. They all exchanged shocked looks with each other.

     "My God. Our children inherited the fate that we abandoned years ago" Mrs. Tozier said as she shook in fear. 

     "Jesus Christ, Maggie's r-right" Mr. Uris stuttered as he realized the horror of the truth. It was all too much for them to handle. 

     "I could still remember how we all left Derry. I remembered forcing Will and Jessica to get out of this place but still stayed until that day they were killed by a fire...I know that all of us here came back for them. Because even after all this time, we still cared for each other. We're a bunch of grown ups now but we're still the same old Misfits, right?" Mr. Tozier suddenly said while smiling at them. 

     Suddenly the tensed atmosphere around the room was lifted but only for a few minutes. 

     "That doesn't change the fact that Alvin died because her daughter, Beverly killed him a year ago" Mrs. Hanscom grunted. 

    "C'mon now Arlene you don't know that. The poor girl might just have defended herself from her father. We all know that Alvin is an abusive father" Mrs. Tozier said as she defended Beverly's side.

     "Oh my God, stop acting like you're such a responsible parent Maggie! Because you are not. You never even cared for your son, Richie" Mrs. Kaspbrak grumbled. 

     Furious as she is, Richie's mom went to where Mrs. Kaspbrak was.

      "Atleast I don't make my son's life a living hell by making his life revolve around gazebos!" Mrs. Tozier retorted.

      Mrs. Kaspbrak' expression looked like she had been slapped on the face. There was utter silence in the room. Nothing but furious eyes and gnashing teeth were visible among them.

     "Calm down Maggie" Mr. Tozier said as he wraps his hand around the waist of her wife.

     "That's right Wentworth, keep your bitch in leash" Mrs. Kaspbrak smirked.

     "Aww what's wrong Sonie? No one to keep you in your leash?" Mr. Tozier said as he got pissed off at Mrs. Kaspbrak.

     "Stop being such a kid Wentworth. We're not kids anymore. We're not also close like before for you to call me that stupid nickname that you gave me" said Mrs. Kaspbrak. 

     Everybody was just staring as both families were fighting. 

     "Enough! All of those who are in favor of separating our children, please raise your hands" Mrs. Hanscom yelled out. 

     Everyone except Richie's parent raised their hands. Mrs. Kaspbrak gave out a short evil-like giggle.

     "Looks like we've won. Maybe you both will agree when you see your son dropped dead before your eyes. I hope this is the last time I'll see all of your faces, Misfits" Mrs. Kaspbrak glared at them as both she and Mrs. Hanscom went out of the house.

 Mrs. Denbrough gave Mrs. Tozier a hug. 

     "I'm sorry Maggie but Sonia has a point. I already lost my most beloved son, I can't lose another one" Mrs. Denbrough sobbed. 

    "Sharon, we both know you never cared for Bill. You only love your second son. I know this because everytime I see Bill, I see the same eyes that Richie has. The eyes that longed for parental guidance. The eyes that's been tortured by neglect. I know that a lot" Mrs. Tozier said as she shoved Mrs. Denbrough aside. 

She held Mr. Tozier's hand and slowly went out.

     "I hope we can drink beer sometimes, Zack and Donald! Until then....goodluck to all of us" Mr. Tozier as he left with his wife. 

There was complete silence once more. 

     "Misfits vs. Losers. Who would have thought that we're going to be up against our own children?" Mr. Uris murmured. The three of them exchanged looks.

     "It's just going to be a battle between dominance" Mr. Denbrough said. 

     "I never thought we'd all meet up again. It's like a dream but at the same time a nightmare to all of us" Mrs. Denbrough sighed as she held her husband's hand.

      "Funny how danger seem to draw us all closer just like Alvin says back then" Mr. Uris murmured.

     That's when they knew the battle between them and their are just about to begin.

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