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Guys!! Last page for chapter 4😂 Welll advance Happy New Year to all🎉💕💕💕

Beverly's POV

     We quickly came back after we gathered some twigs. Mike started a fire so we could all warm ourselves up. 

     Everybody was silent and was busy getting warmed up by the fire. We all sat in a form of a circle with the fire in between.

 I looked at each of them.

     How lucky was I to have six boy bestfriends? I placed my head on Ben's shoulders as I propped up my knees. It was a bit chilly even though there was a fire in front of me. 

     "I- I know that I'm not the p-perfect leader you all looked up to but I want a-all of you t-to know that always do e-everything to protect you all" Bill suddenly said as tear trickled down his face. 

Stan hugged him as we all got teary-eyed too.

     "When I lost m-my little brother, mom and dad stopped c-caring for me. It'd h-hurt because everyday I see them and a-all it felt was like it w-was my fault Georgie's gone!" Bill cried even more. 

     Suddenly stream of tears were escaping my eyes. I couldn't stop crying just like everyone else.

     "Bill you're the greatest leader ever! Don't think like that. We love you so much okay?" Stan sobbed as he hugged Bill. 

     "Parental neglect hurts so bad, I know it because my parents always neglect me too. I'm sorry if I got mad at you and got a teensy weensy jealous at you for picking Eds" Richie apologized.

 Suddenly Eddie turned to me.

     "Beverly I got jealous of you. I got jealous because I thought Richie was replacing me with you as his best friend because you know...he always tell you things he wouldn't tell me" Eddie said as he held my hand. 

     "Eddie it's okay. I just hope you know how much Richie cares for you and for heaven's sake he will never replace you, you know that" I smiled at him. Eddie returned the smile at me.

     "Since we're all confessing here right now ....I might as well confess. You guys, I'm happy okay? I'm happy because everyday I get to see you all. I get to see Ben and Beverly being happy together as well as Richie and Eddie and Bill and Stan. But I'm scared that one day when you all are so happy you might just forget me. I don't want that to happen" Mike said as he sobbed. Bill quickly hugged Mike and patted his back.

     "W-we will n-never do that okay? We're a f-family here" Bill said in assurance. 

     "Bev, I know you're hurt because I was being a little checked out these days. It's just that I heard you say you liked Bill when we were at Stan's house. But if you really do like him, just say it so I will gladly step aside" Ben murmured.

      I was shocked when I heard this. All this time he thought I like Bill? 

     "You didn't hear everything I said didn't you? I said I liked Bill but that was before but then I realized you were the one who was there for me and I like you for that" I said as I stroked Ben's face. 

     I gave him a quick hug so he could understand that I was there for him. 

     "Don't think like that Ben, okay? I was really hurt when you were being cold to me" I chuckled at him.

 He then kissed my hand and intertwined it with his. 

     "I'm going to come clean since all you had already confessed...Bill I was hurt when you picked Eddie or when you have fun with Beverly. It hurts because I was jelous of them. But when we are together, everything didn't seem to matter... Bill I have feelings for you!" Stan confessed. 

     We all looked at Bill as he hugged Stan and whispered a word to him.

      After a few moments, everything became stable again. Mike then showed us a flyer about an event nextweek. We all decided to go there so we could catch up with one another.

     "Danger always seem to draw us closer don't you all think?" I smiled at them.

      Everybody nodded at me. Funny as it is, being in danger made us all closer to one another. After that confessions, we all remembered the way back. 

And we all went home.

I want nothing more (A Reddie Fanfiction)✓Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα