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Here's another oneee! Enjoy😘💕💕

Parent's POV

     "Move it Zack" Mrs. Kaspbrak said as she shoved past Mr. Denbrough and dragged Mrs. Hanscom through the woods. 

     "You should've listened to me Maggie and Sharon. Now look what happened! Our children ran off into this forest" Mr. Uris scowled.

     All of them turned their flashlights on and started following the tracks of the golf cart. 

     Soon, they found the cart broken and abandoned in the middle of the forest.

     "Isn't that, Bill?" Mrs. Tozier said as she pointed out the shadow behind the trees. 

"Run!" one of the shadows said. 

     With her strong mother instincts, Mrs. Kaspbrak realized it was Eddie's voice.

      "What are you waiting for? Go on! Start following them you bunch of stupid people" Mrs. Kaspbrak yelled. 

     Without any words, they started following their children. They went deeper and deeper through the forest without noticing it. 

     They stopped when they realized they've lost track of their children.

 "Where are they?!" Mrs. Denbrough screamed. 

     Mrs. Tozier flashed her light to the ground, searching for tracks or footprints. 

     "Over there! There's a bunch of footprint going towards that direction". 

They quickly followed it and got even more lost.

      "Why don't we just go home and continue the search when it's not dark anymore?" Mr. Tozier suggested. 

Almost all of them shot him a look of disbelief.

      "Are you out of your mind? You can go but I won't leave without my son" Mrs. Hanscom spoke loud and clear. 

     "What's the point Arlene? We're just imprisoning them. They hate us and they don't want to be with us anymore. Why can't you all just understand that!?" Mr. Tozier cried out. 

There was a moment of silence before them. 

     "He's right.... We may never find them. Like ever again." Mrs. Denbrough suddenly bursted into tears. 

     Mr. Denbrough quickly calmed her wife even though he too, was in tears. 

     Then everyone was crying and sobbing but not Mrs. Kaspbrak who was holding herself back from crying. 

     "Howard was...my bestfriend and I treated him like the little brother I never had" Mrs. Kaspbrak sudddenly said. 

     "Then evil things started happening in Derry...I was there you know? When Howard died. I saw everything and I hated myself! I couldn't save him that day...That's why I left Derry but even after that, things didn't turn out so well for me. I lost my husband and now, I'm might lose my only child! So please, I beg you. Let me save him!" Mrs. Kaspbrak added, finally letting her tears stream down her face. 

All of them gave her a group hug. 

     "Sonia, you're right. They are still our children and we should save them" Mrs. Tozier smiled. 

     "We're all in this together, guys. Even if we're not as close as we were before, were still going to be there for each other" Mr. Uris added.

      They all parted for a second. All of them got their flashlights ready and their hopes up.

     "Alright! Can't believe the Misfits is back!" Mr. Tozier chuckled. 

     "Oh please, it never left in the first place Wentworth" Mrs. Hanscom smiled. 

Hand in hand, Bill's parents gave out a laugh.

     "Look, it's a trail!" Mrs. Tozier said as she pointed to the ground. 

They exchanged looks with one another. 

     "C'mon let's do this. One last adventure for the Misfits?" Mr. Tozier smiled. 

     They all nodded and began following the trail. The woods became even more dark and foggy as well.

      It was getting harder and harder for them to search the forest.

      "This place.. This path! It leads to our secret base!" Mr. Denbrough gasped. 

     "You're right Zack! Nice observations my good man" Mr. Tozier said as he patted Mr. Denbrough's back. 

     "I still can't believe, we're going to end this back to where we started it in the first place" Mrs. Tozier mumbled. 

     After that, they went to follow more of the trails, not even knowing what they will stumble upon to.

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