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Fuck me.

I'd been drinking, dancing, grinding and jumping around in this club. I've got sweat down my cleavage and Bobby and Bob seem to be clinging on to my silk dress in an extremely uncomfortable way. The club air conditioning did little to stop the heat radiating off of strangers on the dance floor.

But, nothing and I mean nothing could save me from the overwhelming wave of sultriness I felt when this make-me-sin, godly, fine, beauty of a man turned to look at me.

The sweat trickling down my cleavage turned in to a pool, Bobby and Bob hardened their swords and god bless her soul, my vagina was throbbing.

This man had me tingling like crazy with his freshly cut black hair, faded on the sides, long and pushed back at the top. My lust filled eyes took in his face, his beautiful emerald green eyes, sharp nose and fuck me dead, his pouty lips and defined jaw. Unashamed, I took my damn time surveying the rest of him. His pecs, abs and biceps were outlined through his tight shirt. I stood up from my bar stool and leaned over the bar, with no sense of subtlety, I looked at the rest of his body covered in his black loose fitted jeans and black boots.

When I felt that I'd spent enough time ogling the man, I raised my eyes to his face and gave him a confident smirk.

"Well, I feel the need to blush after that", he said smiling. His eyes turned a shader darker than before as he gave me the once-over.

His comment had me chuckling and his gaze had me horny.

When his eyes met mine, I could pin point the lust swimming through the emerald pools.

"Need a drink? It's on the house, love. Let me guess, gin and tonic?" he asked.

"You guessed wrong."


I shook my head.

"Bloody Mary?"

I laughed at that one.

"Rum and coke?"

I lingered on the option for a millisecond.

"Just a Corona, thank you."

"A beer girl? Intriguing. What's your name, beer girl?"

I read his name tag, Xavier.

I could just imagine screaming "Xavier, Xavier, fuck Xavier" like a broken record against the sound of his grunts and growling with every fast and shallow, slow and deep thrust of his veined, steel hard cock.

Call the local nunnery for their opening hours. It's time you join them. No amount of holy water will cleanse these nasty thoughts. Book an appointment with the priest and proceed with a confessional. Sleep with the bible in your arms. But on the other hand, you look great, your vagina is freshly shaved, your thong is soaking wet, this man is sure to leave you bed ridden for days and be honest, you were never really religious in the first place.

With an amused look on his face, he cocks an eyebrow. I realise I'd taken a little too long to give him my name. Luckily, my chocolate skin tone doesn't allow a red tinge to appear on my cheek when I blush.

"It's Jaida. Nice to meet you Xavier"

I stuck my hand out for him to shake. His calloused fingers held a firm grip on my dainty hand. If only that grip was around my neck.

"Won't be long, love" he said.

I watched him move around the bar with grace,  pulling the refrigerator open with controlled strength, pouring the beer in to the glass with skill. The corner of his lips turned up in a grin as he handed me my beer. My eyes were on his as I took a sip. Seemed as though minutes had passed where we basically just stared at each other, but I knew it was only seconds. We were basically eye fucking each other. And bless him if he decides to go beyond that body part. You can look and touch with me darlin'. It also seemed as though I needed to make a trip down to Victoria Secret for some new underwear.

"Well Xavier, I truly do appreciate the Corona and as much as I'm enjoying this interaction of ours, I have to ask; don't you have other alcohol consumers to serve?"

He chuckled. "I'd much rather be talking to you. You know, to continue our little interaction?"

"Does that line work for you? Also, don't come blaming me if your boss fires you"

"Well actually love, that wasn't a line, I'd much rather be talking to you among other things."

My hands tightly gripped on to the edge of my seat.

"What other things?"

"It's the end of my shift, I'm free to show you" he stated.

"Oh, fuck me"


He there his head back and barked out a laugh at my statement. Feeling a smidge of embarrassment, I looked away to calm myself. When his laughter died down, he placed his hand under my chin and raised my eyes to level with his. His face had turned serious. His eyes were demanding. I could feel myself grow hotter from the warmth of his hand. All thoughts of my humiliating moment flew straight out the window, through the garden path and straight down the rabbit hole.

I needed him, now.

"Let's go"


Sincerely, JaidaWhere stories live. Discover now