yours truly, rose

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I'm not going to ask you, my readers, whether you'd read the sequel to this if I made one because quite frankly, I don't give a flying fuck.

With that being said, I'm thankful for the readers and the love you continue to show but it's not why I write. I mean, I do write because I have readers who depend on me to but it's mainly for me.

I want a sequel to this.

Like, I've said a million times before, I started writing Sincerely, Jaida for myself and I'll finish it for all of us. I'm starting Yours truly, Rose once I wrap up Sincerely, Jaida. Now, I don't how many chapters are left since we haven't hit the shocking climax. And there would be too many spoilers if I started on Yours truly, Rose now.

Anyways, I just love Rose's character and the way I've set her interactions with Xavier and Jaida in this book allows me to continue it on. Of course, I can't wait to write more about what happens to good ol' Jaida and Xavier.

They break up *gasps*.

It's a sequel because it's taking the same sort of title as Jaida's story and also it would be a few months after this ends. I don't want to call r a spin-off.

I'll have the next chapter sometime tonight or tomorrow morning. Depends on whether I get fucked in the ass by my lectures at college.

Always stock up on the lube front. And never drink on the job if you work at a sperm bank.

                                     . . .

Sha la la la la la. Don't be scared, you better be prepared, go on and breach this hole.

I can show you my hole. Shining, simmering splendid. Tell me, princess, now when did you last let your holes loosen?

Just to clarify, I was singing altered versions of Disney songs to fit my asshole and lube statement.

Have an awesome adulthood.

Sincerely, JaidaWhere stories live. Discover now