Chapter Eight

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"Y-you," I stammered. "H-how...?" I was too scared to ask him anything. I wanted to yell for help, but I knew that would just tick him off.

He pulled me away from the wall and loosened his grip on me. His face turned from being angry to being a little sad. "Please do not be afraid of me," he said soothingly.

What?! Not afraid of him? He is the one who snapped at me and hurt me!

Warning me about Forlot. Grabbing ahold of me, making my muscles ache in pain.

It was like a nightmare that had come to life.

And here he was again, about to hurt me once more...

"I apologize," the doctor spoke.

My eyes widened. I was in shock at what he had just said. "...apologize?" I said, finally finding my voice.

Dr. O'Connor nodded and slowly let go of me. "I feel bad for what I put you through. I...I am concerned for you."

"Concerned? Why?"

"Forlot really is a dangerous place. Not a ton of people live here, and that is not surprising, seeing that there have been many reports of monster sightings."

I raised an eyebrow. "Monsters? I thought that monsters do not exist."

"Oh, they exist all right, and I should know." He walked over to a conveyer belt that was circling around and had suitcases and other bags on it.

This was the perfect opportunity to get away from this guy. I could hurry off before he did something that would potentially hurt me. However, I could not. I needed to know more about Forlot. Not only for my sake, but for my sister's and Sarah's sakes. Dr. O'Connor seemed to know a lot on the topic. Plus, he wanted to say sorry and make amends.

I walked up to him. "How do you know?" I asked.

Dr. O'Connor smiled and gently patted my shoulder. "Believe it or not, I am the Monster Protector," he admitted.

Forlot: Monster Protector - Book One {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now