Chapter Twenty-Six

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Me? Monster Protector? What did the creature mean by that? I am no Monster Protector.

Maybe it was referring to Dr. O'Connor. I knew for a fact that he was the true Monster Protector. He told me at the Forlot airport. I also remembered what he said on Forlot.—————————————————————————
"Forlot used to be a loving town where people, no matter how big or how small, could get along. Then, when monsters began popping up all over the place, the townsfolk wanted to kill and get rid of them. In their minds, they saw Forlot as a place for only humans. No monsters were allowed. The mayor desperately wanted to fix this issue, for if the humans started killing the monsters, then the monsters would fight back and kill the humans. It would have been chaotic."
And the part on Mr. Hawk.
"Things got worse though when Mr. Hawk came into town. He favors monsters over humans. He does not care that humans get hurt, or even killed. Mr. Hawk is very mean-spirited, clever, and will do whatever it takes to get what he wants, and what he wants is to rule the world."
A chill went down my spine. Mr. Hawk was certainly the enemy, and apparently, he had more victims than I could count. Aside from Lean, there were these creatures who desired to be helped by me and Dr. O'Connor.

But why me? Did the mysterious creatures know that I was not in favor of Mr. Hawk's wicked ways, and that I knew that the doctor was the Monster Protector?

Speaking of which, how did they know my name? How did they know about me?

All of that did not matter now. Those questions could be dealt with later. The poor creatures needed my help, and I would help them.


I opened my mouth and was going to speak, when all of a sudden, a huge flash of light directed itself at me and the monsters. I turned away from the light and covered my eyes with my hands.

The light was so very bright.

Around me, I could hear the monsters screeching and crying out in unison. My ears started aching, and I gritted my teeth.

Please stop. Make it stop. The noises are driving me crazy!

It was not too long until my request was finally answered. Quiet.

No noises. Nothing.

Just peace and quiet.

All was well...

...until I got jump scared.

I gasped and jumped as I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Whoa, girl," someone said. "It is just me."

I uncovered my eyes and looked up. It was Lean.

"Lean?" I managed to choke out. My heart beat fast from the jump scare, and my palms were sweating.

"Are you okay?" she asked, looking at me with concern.

"I-I think so...ow!" Pain shot throughout my body once more. I had touched where one of the monsters dug its talons into me. It hurt so much.

"What is wrong?" the ghost girl said. "Where does it hurt?"

"My waist," I answered her, pointing to my waist and trying not to whimper. "A zombie-like creature did it. It did it with its sharp nails." Then a thought crossed my mind. "What if...what if I become a monster like them? If you get bitten or scratched by a zombie, then you turn into one."

Lean slightly smiled and shook her head. "Do not worry."

"Why not?"

"Because they are not zombies. None of them are. They are the Colnoxes."

Forlot: Monster Protector - Book One {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now