Chapter Thirty-Two

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What? Did I hear her correctly? She was not blind?

"But—" I started.

"Being blind means that you cannot see anyone or anything at all," Lean cut in. "But I can see."

I was totally lost. "How? Your eyes are different from everyone else's. Yours are white. Pure white. There is neither color nor pupils."

"So? Everyone's eyes are different in some way. Take the puppets, Tippy, Skippy, and Tappy, for example. They have clear glass for eyes."

"When Mr. Hawk introduced me and Sarah to you and Stanley, you waved to us in the wrong direction."

"...I was having a bad day."

"You even acknowledged that you were blind!"

"I was exaggerating!" The ghost looked at the floor. Her ghostly hair swept over her face, and her hands clenched into tight fists. She stayed in that position for a couple minutes, not saying a single word.

"Lean?" I spoke, breaking the silence between us.

Lean tilted her head back up, her pale, white eyes staring directly at me. "I do not want to dive into this topic," she said. "I am uncomfortable talking about it to anybody."

"Oh. Then why did you mention it?"

"I wanted to be honest with you. You were going to find out sooner or later, and I needed to it get off my chest."

"Do the others know that you are not blind?"

"Of course. They get mad whenever I refer to myself as being a blind person. It is annoying."

"That is because you are not at all blind."

"You know, I may not be blind, but I do have a problem seeing things."

"Maybe you need glasses." I thought of her wearing types of glasses. She would not look good in glasses. Period.

Lean grabbed a tool from the tray and poked the side of my waist. "Yah!" I cried. The end of the tool that Lean was using was very pointy, and the tool itself was cold. Every time the tool touched my skin, I would shudder.

What did I get myself into?

And why was the ghost using a tool? My wounds were bleeding!

"Should you be - oh, I do not know - tending to the wounds and getting them to stop bleeding?" I informed her.

"If you were scratched by an animal, or if an animal attacked you and dug its talons into you, then yes, I would," the ghost girl replied. "However, this is not the case."

"Well, yeah. A Colnox did this sort of damage."

"Correct. And because a Colnox caused these wounds, we have to treat the wounds with care."

"By tending to them."

She shook her head. "No. I have to do surgery."

I gasped at what she had just told me. "Surgery?!"

"Fixing your wounds is not good enough. They are very deep."

"So surgery is supposed to help?!"

She nodded. "Usually, Colnoxes do not make such deep cuts."

I gulped. "U-usually?"

"They just scratch the person until that person is dead. And look, you do not have any scratches on you. I wonder why."
" Morgan...protect us...protect us from bad man..."
Hearing that Colnox say those things, including my name, made me shook a little. The reason that the Colnoxes did not scratch me was probably because they needed my help. Why? The Colnoxes might had seen me with Dr. O'Connor, and they wanted me to get the doctor for help.

"What are the Colnoxes?" I asked Lean curiously.

"Seriously? You want me to explain that now?" the ghost questioned.

"Please? I would like to know. Plus, it will make this chapter a bit longer."

"...fine. I will tell you and the readers, and after this, we are heading to the next chapter."


Lean cleared her throat and began.

"Colnoxes are relatives of zombies. They look similar to them. Nobody knows how the Colnoxes came in existence. Some believe that Colnoxes are half-humans and half-zombies. Others say that they are a result of man's not-so-kind nature, and therefore, a curse. Like most of the monsters here in Forlot, the Colnoxes are nice and peaceful creatures. They would never cause harm."

I glanced at the sides of my waist. Apparently, they do cause harm.

"A year ago, that all changed. No longer were any of the Colnoxes caring and giving. They became vicious creatures who were on the lookout to kill anyone that were not them. It was horrible. Completely horrible. It is not safe going in the woods with those creatures hanging around. Heck, it is not safe going out in the middle of the night."

Then why were Lean and I out in the middle of the night?!

"There," the ghost girl finished. "That is all that I know on the Colnoxes."

"I have a quick question," I requested. "Do you know how they went from peaceful creatures to violent ones?"

"Nope. I do have a theory though."

"What is your theory?"

"I believe that the Colnoxes were hypnotized, just like my friends best friend."

Wow. I really felt bad for her. Nobody should lose their friends, including their best friend, like that.

"Who is responsible for hypnotizing them?" I asked.

"Who else?" she commented. "Zeolex."

All of a sudden, a shadowy figure appeared and gripped my face. And I screamed.

Forlot: Monster Protector - Book One {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now