Chapter Thirty

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The guy named Maxwell chuckled. Not only was his smile creepy, but also his chuckle. It left a bad taste in my mouth. And gave me the chills.

"Whatever do you mean, Lean?" Maxwell shot at her. "And it is Dr. Maxwell, not just my last name. Dr. Hugo Maxwell. You know as well as I do that I am a well-known scientist in Forlot."

"A scientist who works for an evil corporation," Lean shot back. "Along with its evil people."

The man raised an eyebrow. "Evil corporation?"

"Do not play dumb with me. You and your brother work for Zeolex. You always have."


"I am sorry, Lean," Dr. Maxwell said soothingly. "But you are sadly mistaken."

The ghost girl must have had enough with him. The next thing that I knew, she immediately went up to him and gripped both of his wrists. "I am not here to play games, Maxwell," she stated.

"No, I suppose not," he answered. "What reason could you possibly be here, other than wanting your eyes?"

Lean shoved the scientist against the wall and gritted her teeth. "Where are they?!"


"My eyes, you jerk! My eyes!"

"Your eyes? Oh, well, that changes everything. I thought that you were meaning your own kind."

"You and your kind are the true monsters. You all desire to take over the world and set humanity in flames. However, my friends and I want to protect humanity from scumbags like you, and we will accomplish that goal in any way possible."

Dr. Maxwell burst out laughing. It was terrifying.

"Really? Do you really think that you and your friends can stop Zeolex from world domination?" he questioned her. "Zeolex is the biggest company in Forlot and the most diverse company in the world. People of all nations praise for what it stands for. 'Zeolex: Ridding the Universe of the Real Monsters.'"

"Too bad that you and the others lie and mislead innocent lives," Lean told him. "They do not know that the real monsters are actually right in front of them."

"Even if Zeolex were not a powerful corporation, how would you try to stop it? We took some of your close friends after all."

I could see that Lean was getting ticked off at this guy, and I did not blame her. I was beginning to get ticked off too.

"Do not mention them," she whispered.

"Do not mention who?" the doctor said. "The half of your friends, including your best friend, who are gone forever? The friends who went to the dark side?"

"They never wanted to go to your side! Your goons kidnapped them and hypnotized them!"

Dr. Maxwell narrowed his eyebrows. "It was not my idea. It was my brother's. I thought that it was a stupid idea, but it worked out in the end."

At the sound of that, the ghost pushed him to the floor and hovered over him.

"I could kill you right this minute," she admitted, giving him a look that could kill. "Nothing is holding me back. However, this book is part of a series where no one can kill anybody. It would be bad for the book. And the writer."

"Good!" Dr. Maxwell proclaimed. "Otherwise, you would have killed an innocent bystander."

Lean put her ghostly hands on her hips. "Oh, please. There is nothing innocent about you, especially someone who decides to work with a company that is Zeolex."

"I ditched the company!"

The ghost girl became shocked at what he had just exclaimed. "What?"

Dr. Maxwell then quickly got up and began running towards where Lean and I entered - and I was still standing in the doorway.

"Hey!" Lean called. She glanced at me. "Margie! Block his way!"

What?! How was I supposed to do that?! He was taller than me!

Before I had a chance to react, the doctor pushed me out of the way, and I fell down.

And everything went black.

Forlot: Monster Protector - Book One {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now