Chapter Twenty

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I screamed and shielded my face with my hands, and I shut my eyes. My heart pounded rapidly. My arms started shaking. This was it. I was going to meet my doom.

I braced myself for what the unknown figure was about to do to me.



I stood completely still, not moving a single muscle.

Hold on. I did not move? Surely, I had moved a little - no, a lot - if I got struck with pain.

Now that I mention it, I did not feel any pain.

I opened my eyes and looked down. I was still standing up and remained in the doorway, the same exact place where I was when I saw the figure. I breathed heavily as I pulled my hands away from my face...

...and saw Lean floating next to the figure, who was now lying on the porch. It groaned and reached for my leg, wanting to grab it with its own bony hand.

"No!" I yelled.

"Oh, no you do not!" Lean exclaimed. She grabbed the creature's arm and dragged it. The creature raised its head into the sky and screeched in protest, and I had to cover my ears. It was terrible.

The full moon shined its light at Lean and the creature, as if they were putting on a show. I got a better look at the creature. It was pretty tall and very skinny, like it had not eaten in a few weeks. Its skin color was of a dark rainbow color. The skin showed red, blue, and other colors.

I hope that the red was part of his skin, and not blood.

I stated in the last chapter that it had long, sharp talons. It also had small, lookalike human eyes, except one was hanging from the eye socket.


The only good thing that it had were clothes. Thank goodness!

It wore a green, short-sleeved shirt and brown shorts, which both had some holes and stains. They looked worn out.

I watched as Lean took the creature to the back of the mansion. It continued its annoying screeching and tried escaping from her, but she gripped it tightly.

"Shut up!" the ghost demanded angrily. "You will wake the others, and if they wake up, then I will never get my eyes back!"

Huh? Never get her eyes back? Where have I heard that phrase? It sounded familiar.
"They are on a secret mission," Lin spoke.

"Yeah. To get apples for apple pie," Tappy piped in.

"What about her eyes? She really wants her eyes back!"
I remember! When Sarah and I were being introduced to the monsters, Lin said something about Lean's eyes. That she wanted them back.

Now I was totally confused. Lean told me earlier that she was blind. Her eyes were where they should be, right? She just could not see.

A couple minutes passed, and I stayed where I was, too shocked to do anything.

What just happened?

Lean floated to me and placed her ghostly hands on my shoulders. "Are you okay?" she asked. "Did he hurt you?"

I took deep breaths to calm down. "N-no. I do not think so." I looked at the side of the mansion, and then back at her. "What...the heck...was that?!"

"Shh!" The ghost girl grabbed my hand and led me to a light blue truck that was parked in front of the mansion. The truck looked very old. Even the tires on it did not seem to be in good condition. The vehicle had stains all over it, and the color was beginning to wear off. Who in their right minds would want to drive a truck like that? It makes me sick just thinking of it!

"I do not have much time to explain," she said. "I need to go."

"Go? Go where?" I questioned.

She sighed. "I have to retrieve my eyes."

"Your eyes? already have your eyes."

The ghost sighed again and opened the door that led to the driver's seat of the disgusting truck.

I would rather look at the creature than this truck.

"I do not have time for this," Lean told me, getting in and starting up the truck.


Oh! So that is where the noise came from.

"Please," I begged. "I have to know. Besides, I already spilled my embarrassing story to you, and I still do not know how you became blind."

"Sorry," she apologized, closing the door. "I promise that I will tell you when I get back." She put on the seatbelt.

A ghost putting on a seatbelt? How ironic.

I could not wait anymore. I had to know now. For the sakes of my sister, Sarah, Dr. O'Connor, and everyone else who was innocent. Even Lean. Plus, I am not really patient.

"You know what? I am coming with you."

Lean was surprised at what I just said. Her white eyes widened. "Excuse me?"

"Yeah. That is right. I am coming with you. I will help you into getting your eyes back...or whatever." I thought that she was going to take me seriously. Instead, she giggled.

"You? Helping me? Are you serious?"

"What? You do not think that I can?"

"No, it is not that." She stopped giggling and cleared her throat. "What I am planning to may be too dangerous for you."

"Dangerous? For me?"

"Yes. You could get hurt, and I certainly do not want that to happen."

"But you will be there."

"I have experience though. I know what to expect."

"I will be fine."

"Were you fine when you accidentally shot an arrow from your crossbow at your school?"

My face saddened. I definitely was not fine that day.

I hugged myself and walked back into the mansion and up the stairs. I passed by Sarah's room - and saw a shiny object poking out from one of her bags. I recognized what it was.

My crossbow.

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