Which is witch?

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*the picture is not mine >.<*

Author's point of view

The forest was dark, the moon at it's highest. You could see the glowing eyes of the predators of the night, yet in this wildness, there was something amiss. 'sob sob', by the trunk of a tree there was a little girl. Her brown hair defiant gravity, her eyes closed with tears rolling down her cheek. Many of the creatures of the forest look at the human child with interest, after all no children came there at night. One particular pair of eyes stares at the girl a little differently. Then for a moment, the forest went still, while the next a powerful calm voice said: "Hello little girl".

Normal point of view

Beep-beep-beep-thud. I reach and turn of my alarm. I stare at the siling remembering my dream. 'it's been a while since I had a dream about that day. Something might happen today.' I thought and got out of bed, I could already hear my mum humming while preparing breakfast. I take my uniform and head to the bathroom for my daily routine, I brush my teeth and hair and wear my uniform. It's a nice black school skirt, a white dress shirt with a silver string pocket, a silver bow tie (since I was a first-year student) and a black knee length jacket with silver sleeve ends and last knee-length white socks with a silver string and black shoes. As I finish I look in the mirror stare back at myself. 'You can do this tsuna, you will go and try to have fun and maybe finally make some friends. Who I'm I kidding there's no way that will happen, they will bully me again what's the point in even trying. No, do this for mum she does so much for you'. As I try to motivate myself the clock is ticking and by the time I go downstairs I have only ten minutes till school starts, in other words ten minutes or I get bitten to death by Kyoya. "Hiiiiii I'm going to be late oka-san why didn't you call me sooner", I say to my mum as I rush to get my school bag to leave, "Oka-san ittekimas". I hear a 'iterashai' and a bark from her Akita as I run out of the house with just a slice of bread from my mum's heavenly cooking. I run with all my might and I make it to the school just in time. I say a discrete 'ohayio gotaimasu' to kyoya, which in return he nod's. I can see his disapproval since I normally came very early. I go in my classroom 'thank God the teacher isn't here yet. Probably he is in the meeting for today's "interacting" classes. Since our school is one of the rare schools in which both normal and magical students can study, on the uniforms the strings are silver for the normal and golden for the magical students as for the years first years have bow tie, second years get handkerchief and third years wear ties. I remember that the final bell rang and Kyoya doesn't tolerate lateness 'The teacher should be here by now', as I think that my morning uneasiness comes back and-"oiii witch why were you late today?", a voice startled me. I look for the voice only to find the boy who talk right in front of my desk."Hiiii" I speak and turn my gaze to my lap so my hair cover my eyes. "Tsk for a moment we thought that we got rid of you-", I flinch at that "you came in the last minute-"I try to calm myself 'remember don't do anything, count to calm yourself 1"-I don't even know why you're coming here-" keep counting 2"-look at you-" my eyes start to water and outside it's getting cloudy very fast "-you freak you're a danger to everyone-" I chock a sob "you should-", "Hey stop-" I hear someone else trying to speak but he was continuing "you are an evil witch-","-something is""-and you should just go and di-", before he could finish a thunder bold hit just outside the school grounds. 'Finally he stopped talking, I couldn't take any more'. "I told you something was wrong you should listen when others are talking". I hear them whisper and I look through my bangs. They are standing away from me now, afraid and shaking a little. 'Great look what you did it's worse now.' Just when I thought it wouldn't get worse.....

Which is witchحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن