Chapter 21-IT'S FRIDAY!

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Happy New Years Everyone!!

Sorry for not updating sooner!! >_<

BUT my PC lives so that's the greatest thing that could have happen to me in the last two days of the year! Please take a moment of silence to honor all the uncles out there that know how to fix electronic devices and ultimately salvage the souls of those whose PCs are there center of their life.


This one all in the arcobaleno's point of view!



*arobaleno point of view*

It's the first time all of us when to school since we came and even if there was a little tension between our cloud and sun. It may be because we were allowed to wear our cloths and our custom made outfits had never fail to serve as an armor, making every one of us more comfortable in our skin. We found it a little weird that there was a free day for the school given Fon's encounter with the school's perfect but Skull and Colonelo had said that the brown haired girl, Tsunahime, had given them a heads up about today.

"What do you think will do today?" Skull ask the rest of us. His not quite his obnoxious self again but he's getting there so no one shoots him down yet, it could be dangerous for now. "Maa, everyone in class yesterday was excited so it won't be bad." Luche answers, it's safer for all of them if she talks in between the rest of us. "Tsuna said that she'll see us today so it's a mixed activity that's for sure-kora." Colonelo is bouncing on his feet as he says that clearly exited at the prospect of seeing the Tsuna girl. Lal is definitely not trying to convince herself she's not jealous. As we neared the school we could see more students with different clothes walking in groups and chatting away. And at the gate the perfect, that Fon face off, glares at anyone who got in, his wolf twitching clearly agitated at his side. When we neared the perfect looked at us and he didn't exactly smile but we could see he was sadistically pleased to see us. "Well that can't be good." Verde rasped out in his usual bored tone. Lal, Colonelo and Skull looked at him funny.

"Well come on stop wasting my time." Viper said and pro-cited to walk faster. "Wait!" Someone shouted from behind us, we turn and there was a boy with short black hair with a baseball bat over his shoulders running towards us. What made us to rise our eyebrows though was that he had two magical beasts railing after him. One brown akita dog and one black swallow. We gave each other a glance 'It couldn't be him could it?' Having two magical partners was rare, but not that extraordinary. "Hi!" the boy said enthusiastically "My name is Yamamoto Takeshi." He smile again and we were pretty sure that Reborn was going to kill the poor kid if he didn't get on with what he wanted. The boy's eyes twinkle with what would, in our sun's eyes, be pure amusement in the slow conversation 'So the kid wasn't as cloudless as he showed. "I don't think you know, but I'm in the school council. The second year's rain representative to be preside." He smile again and yeah he was doing it on purpose. "I'm going to accompany you to the Friday gym and explain our school's Friday program." He beamed at us and Reborn growl.

"Maa." Luche cut in, scared of the boy's life "How nice of you. Thank you very much we are a little bit lost to this kind of tradition." The boy smiled again and now even Skull was starting to twitch. "Hahaha, don't mind don't mind. It was either me or Sasagawa-senpai." We barely saw the twitch in his left eye and it was unanimously that we thought 'Who could be more annoying that the kid in front of us.' "Come this way." He turns to the school and both of his beasts fallow after him faithfully. "This is going to be a long day." Surprisingly Verde remarks, we share a sign and go in to the school.

"Well I said I was going to explain but, the truth is the headmistress is...Erm...well the Friday program goes according to her mood I guess that's the most accurate way of putting it." We stare at him and now he actually gives us an apologetic smile. "But where always two parts for sure." He beams at us and our trigger-happy members twitch along with their partners. The boy-Yamamoto sobers up a little "Both parts are mixed with magic and normal students, as is the policy with all the special activities in school. The first part is completely fight-free." He smiles cheekily at us and a vain in Reborn's forehead twitches "But I wouldn't want to take all the surprise away so that's all I'm saying about that." And Skull and Colonelo wish thatthey had asked Tsuna to explain to them, since they were getting close to actually wanting to harm the student council member. "The second part though...Hmm. Well it's not exactly fighting." We all perked up at that because it sounds interesting. "It's more like an all school interacting class." He finishes thoughtfully.

Skull and Colonelo break up in big smiles and we all think they're going to stake a claim at the Tsunahime girl "A word of advice." Yamamoto cuts through any conversation we were going to make. His voice low, serious and loaded with warning, while his eyes were shadowed a little with his short hair. "If you're going to be teaming up with Sawada." He pause as his eyes checked each one of us and sharpen as they landed on Skull and Colonelo, with the look of a hit-man out for blood. "You better be ready to go against the whole school." With that, he gave one last blood-lust smile and went into the gym.


Yamamoto made an appearance!!

Let me just tell you, when I first started this story I said that it was going to be only Kyoya. BUT.

Well you know how you just have those evil sisters saying "It's going to be SO AWESOME WHEN the other guardians appear" and I'm like "No there want be making an appearance" but they ignore you and dump a bunch of ideas to you and then you start thinking about it and in the end you start plotting not only their parts in the story but the awesomeness of making all your other ships sail in the story and the simple story line you have been thinking till now gets all f****d up. -_-

So Yomomoto has made an appearance and Ryohey gets a mention (he has too much energy so I wont write him yet *tongue out*).

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