Chapter 10-Family time

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Surprise! I'm giving you one more chapter to make up for the late update! *good guy pose with sparkling smile*


*end of flashback*

I shake my head to clear my thoughts as I felt tears gather in my eyes. 'Just a little while longer and I'll finally be a magical caster student.' As I come back to the present I realise that Kyoya is taking the long way home even though we are almost there, I smile 'Well I always know I wasn't the only one that enjoyed our patrols together.' "Ne Kyoya I might not be left out at tomorrows ΄interacting΄ classes" I say to get his attention, I succeed as Kyoya side glance at my while Okami's ears twitch in attention. "Skull-kun and I officially became friends" I blush as Kyoya's face express his thoughts 'About time you start making some of those' but then it turns a little bit irritated 'it just have to be someone who gets bullied' it converts and I just pouf my cheeks at that 'it's not my fault it's those other caster's fault after all I know Skull-kun isn't weak he just chooses to not used his powers for such meaningless reasons like me.' After we reach my house (Kyoya has beaten some rule breakers to death, which he scare the crap out of them since he catch them unaware with his catch phrase 'kamikorosu' on our patrol) and go inside "kaa-san, Aiko tadaimaa" I shout from the front door I quickly grab Kyoya's hand and I hear him growl at me, but I ignore him "Oh Tsu-chan okaeri is Kyo-kun with you" I smile victoriously "Hai~" and I drag Kyoya in the house after I make sure my mother sees him I let go of his arm.

 "Welcome Kyo-kun moo you should visit more often but I guess your timing wouldn't be any better I'm making beef steak for diner!" I smirk as I see Kyoya's eyes widen a little before they turn accusing at me. I blink innocently at him but all I get is his eyes saying 'you knew I wouldn't say no to beef steak and now I can't refuse her' but all I give back is a close eyed toothy smile. He blinks so I won't see his surrender, but Okami's whine gives him away, and turns to face my mother "It would be my honor to eat your homemade food Nana-san" "Maa Kyo-kun how many times do I have to tell you not to be so formal after all your family!" my mother answers him before she goes back in the kitchen "I'm going to bring you some snacks in Tsu-chan's room till diner is ready ok?" "Hai kaa-san" I say and both I, Kyoya and Okami go to my room. I change to more casual clothes and so did Kyoya (he has been in my house so many times that he was one of our guest rooms make to be his room and has brought some clothes over), by the time we change mum is knocking and I open my door for her with a smile "I'll call you downstairs when am done ok?" "Hai kaa-san" I say as I take the tray from her hands. I set the tray on the table and start to take my homework out as Kyoya settles near the table as well, while Okami curls behind him. Some time passes and I finish my homework with Kyoya's help just in time "Tsu-chan, Kyo-kun, Okami-kun gohan dessu yo" mum call from the kitchen and I hear Aiko bark through the door. I close my notebooks and clear my table from schoolwork. Kyoya is already opening the door and Okami fallows behind him, I see Aiko race Okami down the stairs with Kyoya calmly strolling after them. I just pick the tray with the now empty cups and plates smiling and go after them. When I reach the kitchen Aiko is barking happily at mum while waving her tail and Kyoya is settling on his chair so I make my way to my chair after mum takes the tray from my hands. 

"Maa it's been a while since the table was this full, we should do this more often" mother says after she sits down as well and I see Kyoya and Okami look a little guiltily in front of them, after all they used to came twice a week but they have been busy patrolling the town. 'Well kaa-san loves to cook for others anyone would know from the amount of food she cooks when that person comes home.' I think and my mood darkens a little but I snap out of it when Kyoya and Okami give me a worried look and smile. I know from the way Aiko tense just a bit that mum realised she slipped "Soo how was your day?" we all know she is trying to change the subject but we go along with it "I made a friend!" I say and her hole face lights up. "My Tsu-chan finally, don't worry kaa-san will wait to meet your friend!" she answers happily. We eat while I tell her about Skull-kun and Ookta minus the bulling part and after a while we finish eating and Kyoya leaves with Okami leaving me and kaa-san to get ready for bed and sleep the rest of the day till tomorrow.


And there you have it, hope you like and enjoy it! I love writing family fluff it's just sooo lovely. : )  Vote and review!

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