One day gone

491 11 0

'Okami beast don't like people that easily he is a perfect match for Kyoya. I still remember how he was when we first met.'

"heh-hem" I hear the headmistress clear her through "As I was saying this is Verde-'the green haired boy just push his glasses up his nose'-Viper-'the he/she/it just mumble'- I am not getting paid for this-Fon-'the kind looking boy just bowed'-xiexie- this is Lal Mirch-'the scary girl just glare-which will be joining our normal students-'what!?! I thought that all of them where magical students'- and finally Luche" the last transfer student smile kindly "Hello everyone". With Kamio by my side I have more confidence to observe the new magical students and I see their magical partners. Colonelo has a white falcon, Skull was an octopus 'is that an armour?', Luche was a squirrel on her shoulder, Fon was a little red and white monkey, Viper was a frog? 'Something tells me that's not it', Verde has an alligator and Reborn has a chameleon. I feel Kamio move away which means the gathering is over 'Kyoya can't take anymore crowding' as on q "Ok my students back to your classes" and the student went back to their classes. I glance back at the transfer students and my gaze was met with Rebon's I held his stare for a second before I turn back at my front. 'This is going to be a long day' sigh.

 Launch break comes fast and as normally I go to the roof and I find Kyoya sleeping with Kamio. "If you continue to sleep everywhere you are going to catch a cold Kyoya" I said amused. Kyoya just opens one eye to look at me only to close it so he could yawn. I give him his lunch box and sit next to him to eat mine. We eat in quiet for a while until Kyoya asks "What do you think about the new transfer students?", normally Kyoya wouldn't ask for anyone's opinion but after he finds out I can read people well he asks me for the sake of his school protection. I look at my lamp for a while "They don't seem like other magical students, their definitely are hiding something but...I don't think they're a danger to the school." As I finish he seems to think and at the end he just nods. The rest of the school day passes peacefully 'I guess the new students are being nice on their first day'. "Hey there witch" 'aaand I spoke too soon. Why can't I just have one peaceful day' "you where the canter of attention today weren't you?" 'oh-oh' the boy sounded angry this wasn't going to and well....And it didn't I have been punched and kicked for a while before they left me alone. 

I went home limping and in pain I opened the front door "kaa-san tataima" "okaerii Tsu-chan" was my answer from the kitchen, I smile 'I shouldn't worry her' I thought and my body glow for a moment and gone where my injuries. "The food will be ready in a while" I hear mum announce happily "Hai kaa-san I'll go take a bath and be back down". When I came back the table was set and mum was serving the food so I just sit and I waited for her to do the same. "We have some transfer students at school" I said "Aw how nice" "Yes seven are magic casters and one is normal" "Maybe you could became friends that would be so nice. You only bring home Kyo-kun, mama worries you know" I smile 'I know you worry yet you don't ask me when the teachers ask you if I am hiding a beast' "I'll try kaa-san" "So tell me what are they like?" mum ask almost giggling. "Well from what I got they must be related since they transfer from the same town. One of them is blond and blue eyed, he was a falcon as his partner, his name is Colonelo. Fon-san 'I can't call him only Fon since he seems so nice that would be rude' looks Chinese and he was a little red and white monkey-kya it must have been cute-well it did look cute" we both laugh at that because we knew how dangerous magical beast can get. After we got our laughing under control "Ok next is Skull-kun 'he look like we could be more alike that he shows so' he has a nice hair colour, though he looks a little obnoxious, his partner in an armed octopus -wow- Then is also Verde his hair is green –Ehhh ousso- yes and he has an alligator, Viper I don't know if it's a he or she has a frog but I have my doubts, Luche-san looks very nice and her squirrel looked absolutely adorable-aww I wanted to see too- Lal-san looks scary even though she is a normal student." I breathed as I finished that should cover it "Emm Tsu-chan?" "Nanni kaa-san?" "There should be one more?" My eyes whiten at that, of course...Reborn. "Emm the last one is Reborn he...he is...emm" mum was looking me, more like drilling holes at me "...he is tall and has a chameleon" I finish lamely. I know mum will be suspicious about my explanation but oh well. Thank God she didn't ask anything she just hammed and we began to clean the table. I did my homework, went to bed and waited for tomorrow.

I wanted to write a scene that would show Tsuna's interaction with his mother because not many write how they interact with each other and I think their relationship would be very good after all the years depending only on each other. So there.

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