Why the rainbow is here

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*the picture is not mine*

Arcobaleno point of view (minus Reborn)

"Calling someone a witch in this century, how close-minded". We turn to Reborn who was emitting a dark aura. Skull started sweating bullets 'oh s**t Reborn-senpai is pissed'. Well they didn't expect that reaction from the other students. A jealous outburst was expected but not right out bullying. Though they should blame Reborn, sadly he wouldn't take the blame. After all he could just not try to get the attention of the only girl who wasn't seeing him as a very appetizing meal, to which the other Arcobaleno were impressed. No girl ever resisted Reborn's looks and Reborn was not one who would take being observed normally so he just had to get at least some amusing, to him at least, reaction from the brunette. Well we were supposed to come here to relax from our dark world and investigate a magical source but we didn't expect to find someone who will interest the great Reborn.

*flashback a week ago author's point of view*

"Does anyone know why we are needed-kora?" came a shout from a tall blond. Thud "Stupid if we knew, then there wouldn't be a point in coming here!", a fierce looking bluenette hit the blond boy on the back of his head. "Aww not so hard Lal" "I said shut up Coronelo" "But-Ohh will you two get over with your couple fight-We are not a couple (Lal shout while blushing while Colonelo just smiled)- we are needed, I just hope I don't have a mission with any of you", a tall boy wearing a fedora interrupted the fight. The group of 8 made their way inside a very elegant office, where sitting in a leather chair behind a mahogany desk was an old looking man who upon their entry smile at the teens. "Hello everyone I'm glad you could all came "Well we finished our missions so it was not a problem", said the fedora teen. "Yes, about that Reborn..." , the teens frown at that thinking something was wrong. The man seeing their guard up wave his hand dismissively "No no no, it's nothing serious(all relax a little) I just had a little talk with my guardians and we thought that you have been too stressed lately and we were thinking to send you to some vacations. But(that but was a little too dragged for their liking) since if you have nothing to do you would just do something ΄work΄ related and because of your excellent control of magical abilities you raised in the magic world early, eventually getting your title as the strongest we have enrolled you to a school in a small town.", the man finished beaming and he waited 3,2,1...

"YOU DID WHAT" most of the teens didn't take a liking to the idea but it looked like the old man was ready for this and just continue smiling while he waits for the teens to finish. "Are you out of your mind-kora, why would you do something like that-kora. We are the Arcobaleno, the strongest magical casters in the world we DON'T need school-kora, I mean we could be teaching those kids not studying with them" Coronelo listed reasons as to why the GO TO SCHOOL VACATION PLAN was not a good one. The others looked like they wanted to add more but they just look at Reborn who hasn't said anything to protest the idea, which was weird because he should have been the first to protest. "Reborn what are you thinking?" a kind looking girl asked the fedora-wearing boy. Reborn continue looking at the old man and after a moment of silence "What's the real reason you're sending us there Timotheo?" And then the man, Timotheo, was looking like a child on Christmas "As expected of you Reborn". The other teens just listen. "The magical council has been monitoring a very large magical movement for the last years and finally they have successfully narrowed it to the town which you would be studying. And because we don't know if it's dangerous or not we are sending you" he finished with a smile. "Hmmm" Reborn thinks for a millisecond and smirks "Well looks like we'll be having a fun vacation" a sadistic aura surrounds him and Skull tries not to faint. "Well what do you think?" smirking Timotheo asks.

*end of flashback*

But before Reborn or any of us got to say anything else...

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