Chapter 7 - Helping the purple of the rainbow

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Hey guys ^.^ It's a bit later than I wanted but here you go enjoy !!



'He is badly injured I can't leave him here' and a light inflicts us both.

*new chapter*

*in Tsuna's garden*

I lay Skull-kun in a bed of peonies (they symbolize bashfulness and compassion, happy life, happy marriage, good health, and prosperity. They express indignation or shame). I watch as they glow yellow along with Skull-kus's body and his wounds start to heal. I smile 'He'll be fine in a few minutes. Now I have to tell Kyoya that I'll be late', I take my phone out of my bag and text Kyoya saying that I found a student injured and I'm taking care of his wounds. 'There, that should do it', I went to pick up some chamomile leaves to make tea 'When Skull-kun wakes up he will need something to drink to help him forget his experience'. *dink* looks like Kyoya replied 'Hn, why?' I giggle 'only Kyoya will write so little' I texted back 'he was being bullied, I scared them off but I don't know if they stay away they're probably from Skull-kun's class, if you want to keep an eye on them' and I started to boil tea, on a small gas I have in the garden.

  "Are you sure you should be bringing a complete stranger in your garden?" I jump a little at the sudden voice "Mou don't scare my like that!" I say in my mind "Hahaha I am sorry little one, but I want to make sure you know what you're doing, after all we don't know anything about these people" my partner says worryingly. I side-glance at Skull-kun and I remember when he was being bullied, I put two caps on the table (imagine something like those white tables in anime with the globe thingy covering it) and smile "I'm sure he is a good person so yes it's ok for him to be here" there was silence "I trust your judgement so I'll permit this, but if he harms you in any way..." he didn't need to finish I knew. "ittie" I hear Skull-kun 'ohh that was fast'I turn around and smile at him "Hello Skull-kun, how are you feeling?"

*Skull's point of view*

"ittie" I wake up in numbing pain 'What was I doing' oh yeah I was trying to find Colonelo 'Damn you Colonelo you could have waited for me, I got caught by those ΄I think I'm better than everyone΄ brats and now I'm laying in the middle of the corri-', wait a minute the floor it's too soft to be-"Hello Skull-kun, how are you feeling?". My eyes snap open and I find myself staring at the brunette from yesterday's morning, 'Wait did she just call me Skull-kun?' I blush 'no one called me with respect before' "Eh-hem" I clear my throat "I the great Skull-sama would like to know how you know my name?" I say loudly after I get on my feet. 'Come to think about it my wounds seem to have healed faster than normal' I think as I look at myself and I see at my feet some kind of flowers glowing-"Haha" I hear the brunet laughing softly, more like a giggle actually, 'is she making fun of me?' I get ready to yell at her-"You were introduced in front of the whole school yesterday Skull-kun of course I know your name" she finished with a smile and I can only blush like a tomato at my silly question, before I run away from embarrassment she extends her hand "My name is Sawada Tsunahime, you can call me Tsuna!" and her smile is so big and she looks so welcoming that I stare for I minute 'She reminds me of Luche'.

"Emm Skull-kun are you ok?" and I snap and see that her hand is still stretched in front of me "Ohh yeah I'm...sorry I'm still a little out of it" I shake her hand "It's ok it happens to me as well. Would you like some tea? I have prepared some chamomile. But if you like something else I should have it?" I look behind her and see a table with two stimming cups of tea "No it's fine" I say without my usual loudness 'It's the first time someone makes something only for me, Luche usually makes stuff for all of us, it makes me kind of happy. Maybe she'll be my friend-'. I feel something move in my pocket 'oh-ow motorbikes and daredevils I forgot about Oocta' I quickly take him out of my pocket "Sorry buddy, are you ok they didn't hurt you did they?" I frantically check for injuries but Oocta just shakes his head that he is ok *sigh* 'Thank my favorite motorbike his ok-"Skull-kun are you going to introduce us?" 'oh yeah she is here, oops I forgot' I put Oocta on my shoulder "Oocta this is Tsuna" Oocta waves his tentacle at her "Tsuna this is Oocta" she giggles "how cute. Nice to meet you Oocta" she smiles at both of us "let's all be friends, nee?" she titles her head at that "Ok" I say while Oocta waves all his tentacles. We sit at the table and drink our tea, from the first sip I feel myself relax "This tea is delicious" Tsuna hides her blush behind her cup "Thank you I grow the herb myself", says Tsuna in a whispering voice "Wow your amazing Tsuna, I'm always a burden to my famil-emmm friends" 'Shoot Reborn will kill me if I slip on the second day' she doesn't realise my almost slip out "I'm sure if you don't give up and have the happiness of your friends in mind you'll do great" my eyes widen and I just smile.

 For a while we drink our tea in silence. "Soo Skull-kun which year are you? I'm a first year" Tsuna asks after a while. I look at her 'Now that I look closely she is wearing the normal school uniform, but she used magic didn't she, I couldn't have healed so fast by myself?' I'll ask later "I the great Skull-sama am a first year as well. Colonelo is with ore-sama while the others are third years". "ohh so only you and Colonelo are first years?" She asks surprised "Yeah I don't think ore-sama would have survived if Reborn-senpai was a first year as well" I shiver at the mere thought of that 'I would have definitely be dead in the first day'. We chat for a while and before I know it the tea is gone "Oh-my it's getting late" she says when she looks at the sky and at that moment I realise 'So beautiful' the flowers were glowing softly making the garden look very magical and not something just anyone can look at 'I shouldn't be here' "I'm sorry Skull-kun but someone is waiting for me and I'm already late I look forward in seeing you tomorrow at our ΄interacting΄ classes" she said while getting up and before I knew it the cups where gone "Ok...emm Tsuna?" "Yes" she turn at me looking a little worried "Is something wrong do you feel pain anywhere, any dizziness maybe nauseous?" I stop her before she panics more "No nothing like that is just that emm..." she stares at me in question "Are you sure it's fine that I stayed here?" I said and look at the ground imminently 'Stupid not she is going to realise that you're not worth it and-"Of course is fine Skull-kun" I look at her, she has one of the warmest smiles I have ever seen on her face "I know that you and I are not that different." She pauses and her smile turns sad "I get bullied too" and I knew that befriending her was my best idea ever.


Tata! A whole chapter dedicated to Skull cause he is amazing and I  always thought that to be with an arcobaleno he had to have his own class of badass!

Which is witchTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon