Chapter 21.5

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So as I was writing the new part and had my sister check any mistakes, just to have her point out that there was a part form my story missing. So I went back to my pre-crush chapters and find this part that I have written and if I were to put it to the next chapter then the new chapter would have been too long so. So I give you chapter 21.5. 

Sorry for the long pause in between updates my exam period just finished! Freeeeeeedom!!

Thanks for your patience enjoy!


*normal point of view*

I fidget nervously were I stood in the gym, as it started to fill with both magical and normal students. My thoughts kept turning to my conversation with Kyoya and Chame-san and I fought with the shivers that threaten to break out. 'Why did it had to be this particular game? It was a disaster the last time and they never repeat an activity.' I whine and accidentally stiffen when another student passes to close to me. 'Arg I'm going to be paranoid today.' I think depressingly. Then I remember Skull-kun and Colonelo-san and a small smile finds its way on my face. 'This time is going to be different. I won't have to face them alone.' As soon as my last depress cloud vanishes from my thoughts, I look around to see if my new friends have arrived yet.

They are not in the gym and as the thought that they have not arrived yet passes my mind I see Yamamoto came in with what I call his 'battle face'. And then I see them just shy of the door are all the school's new students. A smile forms on my face and I start to lift my hand to get Skull-kun and Colonelo-san's attention, but it fades as I see the sober looks on all of their faces. My hand fall and my smile now is sad as I fallow their looks in Yamamoto's back 'So he warned them already. I guess I'll have to make it through today by myself. Well Kyoya and Chame-san will be disappointed. They really wanted to test them, to see if they'll be my friends.' I take a deep breath and blink my eyes to keep the tears that threaten to fall away and I quickly turn away from the new students so gather my resolve. 'Stupid. So stupid, I shouldn't have put my-' "Tsuna!!"

I turn quickly at the call of my name, because it's Skull-kun's voice and I may be imagining it, but no Skull-kun is walking confidently in my direction and he's all but oozing determination and self-confidence. And as I think I'll start crying, I see Colonelo-san nods with determination once to the rest of their group and he too makes his way to me with a challenging smile on his lips. Falco circle's me three time, then lands on my shoulder to rub his pick on my cheek and then goes on Colonelo's shoulder. And as Skull-kun reaches me Oocta gives me a greeting with four of his tentacles, two on each cheek, while Skull-kun smiles reassuringly at me. My eyes water as Colonelo finds his place at my side and with a smile he throws his hand across my shoulders "Maa, Tsuna. You didn't think that a little posturing was going to keep us from teaming up with, you did you-kora?" He says with a smile and his hold strengthens when I nod as I chock down a sob. 


And there you have a little touching moment of their new friendship!

Ohhhhhhh the feeeeeels! 

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