Chapter 19-third year chaos and an apology

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Hey guys sorry for the wait! I had to write an essay for my uni and me and sleep had an argument the last two weeks and there wasn't time to update. Not to mention the weather did a one eighty and both me and my sister got sick. 

Anyway! A big thanks to all of you who fallow my story and like it. It goes straight to my heart I love yo guys!! *chu chu*

So here you go enjoy! 


*from last time*

I cried myself to sleep 'Tomorrow, I'll worry about it tomorrow', those are my last thoughts as I try to erase the image of Reborn and all the negative reactions I could came up with.    

*New chapter*

*Reborn point of view* (I know you want to read his thoughts after all the shit that happened)

I was pissed and the others knew it. But I was also a little worried, not that I'll ever tell them. actually bothered me when Skull snap at me I can count in one hand the times when he was ever pissed and not once was it at any of us. 'Do they thing so low of me, I was interested in her but I never make a girl cry...well at least when it's not me rejecting their undying 'love' for me' but not ever for any other reason. "Darn it" 'Is it too much to ask to get a moment to talk to the only girl worth my time.' I was itching for something to kill by the time I make it to school 'Well at least I can have some action at the 'interacting' class' my fedora covers my eyes and my aura turn completely dark 'Too bad for the weaklings because I'm showing no mercy' *lick* I blink and look at Leo, my trusting partner, he looks as eager as me and I smirk "Yeah" I say to him "We will show them true chaos." The time for the third years 'interacting' class comes without any trouble and I ignore the others till then. "All right kids I know you're eager for this so listen up cause I'm not repeating any of this" the voice of a teacher rings clear and I take the time to analyse the 'room', it's not the gymnasium like the stupid blonde and the pashiri told us, the 'room' is very well light up and there are many doors one black, one white and three red with some small symbols on them though I can tell here is mist magic on them. The magic is thick in the air so whatever is behind those doors is not anything normal 'Nothing useful for now'. I focus on the teacher 'He looks familiar' as I observe him I see his magical partner and I almost sweat drop 'Is that a basilisk? Shit!' I turn to see Viper.

As I find our groups' money lover I smirk "Leo" and my trusty chameleon shape-shifts to a high quality camera "New blackmail picture acquired" the short money huger was hanging from the teachers every word. 'Well I guess is not every day Europeans get a chance to see Japan's most notorious mist magic casters', because lo and behold here in front of a this pathetic casters was standing Shiho and his basilisk partner Shiro a japanese legend known as 'the Jester' as you could never be sure if what you know and see is the truth in his presence. 'Better pay attention don't won't to miss any hidden hints' "...ic police academy we are going to be doing this year's first advance combat 'interaction' third years class", 'Ah this is the schools famous advance combat so we'll be competing with the magic police students' I think this is just what I needed to cool down "As you see in front of you there different doors the black door is for a single combat pair-I wanna-let me finish" he glares a student who dared to cut his speech "The white door is also for one pair but their goal is to be hidden from everyone else and finally the red doors are for the rest of you and at the same time for same of you" I raised my eyebrow 'So those symbols mean something after all "One red door has a turtle on it and it's for you lot what will act as support to your fellow red doorers(I'm not sure how to write this), the second red door has a lion head on it so obviously is for actual combat and the third door is for what I like to call them the 'observers' or the ones see all and in other words the control room" the bastard pause while smirking and I was smirking with his 'What do you know this class isn't so boring or easy as I thought' "So you little brats are going to be going in to my custom made playground I hope you don't get lost hahaha and for those who are going in the red doors you have identify each door yourselves Hahaha" he finish manically and again I turn to Viper for more blackmail material, the little money addict was holding his/her (you didn't think I would cleared Vipers gender confusion this early did you? Muahaha) hands and practically worshiping this guy.

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