Chapter 20-the headmistress is at it again

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I am sooooooo sorry about the late update! >.<

My pc is acting up and I had an essay to deliver as well!  I know excuses but yeah.

Also note to self DO NOT go visit sick relatives when just recovered from cold, you'll just get sick again. -.- 

Anyway enjoy the chapter!


*last chapter*

I'll blame the smile on my face on whatever magic these flowers have "Fine, Luche."

*new chapter*

*Normal point of view*

Beep-be-my hand reaches the alarm clock and stays there for a minute after I shut it off. I stare at the ceiling. 'Why am I waking up this early again' I ask myself as I lay on my back. I hear kaa-chan's noises from the kitchen meaning she is making breakfast and I hear Aiko scratching at my door probably to make sure I'm awake "Ok, ok I'm up. Mataku." "Tsu-chan came eat before going to school to help Kyo-kun" kaa-chan calls for me and it hits me "Right it's Friday" and I get up because when it's Friday I have to play peacemaker between Kyoya and the headmistress so I drag my feet to get up 'Agrh Kyoya is going to be pissed all day. Today, not only there are no lessons but it's no uniform day too and nothing pisses Kyoya up like today, with all the chaos and disorder.' I get dress as I morn for today only to freeze halfway dressed. "Oh, its Skull-kun's and the others first Friday at school" as I say this out loud I grin and get ready faster 'Maybe I can find Skull-kun and Colonelo-san and we can be a team at the activities.' This must be the first Friday that I got ready with a smile on my face, because I actually like my sleep, but today I don't mind that I have to get up earlier that the other four days of school. So with the thoughts of not being alone this Friday I skip down the stairs to the kitchen and by kaa-chan's smile she must be having the same thoughts as me. She turns to look at me and we share a beaming smile.

The way to school is more quiet than the previous day but that doesn't make my smile waver, but what does makes it look more strained is that as I reach the school gates Kyoya's men are there looking at the school like it's contaminated while their magical partners are cowering outside of the school premises. And that's the blow kills my smile is the site of Tetsu with his beast fidgeting and looking torn between going in or dismissing the others. As Tetsu sees me he let's out a sigh of pure relief "Hime" he practically breaths out and I feel sorry for him. "I know it's supposed to be my duty, but they have been erm *cough* arguing for an hour now and we need to finish the preparations and...Well I-I am sorry but they listen to you better than anyone and...well Ane-I mean the headmistress wants to make more adjustments to the school program and you know how that ends up every time." I stare at Tetsu as he finishes and then let out a long sigh "I'll talk to them don't worry you can carry on." As I finish reassuring Tetsu I move in to the school and I fallow Kyoya and the headmistress' magical auras. I find then in my garden with speaks for itself, because they only move to my garden when they think that the school is in danger for collateral damage in their fight and they wouldn't dare harm my garden. 'Ok this is serious no wonder Tetsu was worried.' It's not like it looks like they're fighting but Kyoya's glare and the sweetness of the headmistress smile tells me they're very close to tearing each other apart 'Better intervene quickly.'

"Ehem" I clear my throat and that gets their attention. Kyoya converts with his eyes alone –she's insane talk to her-, while headmistress' smile widens "Tsu-chan" she says and I mentally prepare myself for battle, though I don't tense thanks to my partners warm present in my mind. So I gather my strength "Headmistress-Please" she cuts me off "Tsu-chan none of that I am practically your second mother call me Chame-san. I haven't been to your lovely garden this month, it's magnificent as always, my decision to let you make it was the right one. It seems I require your talents once more though, my Kyoya is being difficult" she finishes with a sigh and her gaze turns to Kyoya again. Kyoya actually hisses at her and it's my turn to sigh "Can't you too ever stop antagonizing each other no one would ever think your mother and son given your personalities."

"Hahahaha" Chame-san laughs at that 'of course she finds that funny." "Maa it' not my fault that Kyoya doesn't like anything else but fighting. Maybe I shouldn't have left him with his father for six months when he was four." She mumble the last part so I pretend I didn't hear it, though Kyoya looks like he disagrees with that. "Anyway" 'Better cut their conversation short before they attack one another', "What do you have in mind for today Chame-san?" I ask genuinely curious "You're not going to be picking any of the transfer students are you? It's their first Friday." Her smile turns devious for a millisecond "Well to be honest, I did think of picking one of them only for their clear stupidity that they thought they have infiltrated MY SCHOOL without me knowing who they were." She looks murderous when she finishes, but so does Kyoya clearly his not pleased he wasn't inform of them and Okami looks agitated as well. "But I change my mind after your interacting classes Tsu-chan." I blink at her 'Ok..." "You see my dear Tsu-chan I have been trying to educate MY students with everything that they'll be needing in life. I TRIED to make they're time here fun and not boring. BUT it seems that no matter what I did or how much Kyoya punishes them they didn't get the memo that YOU ARE UNDER OUR PROTECTION." Chame-san passionate speech finished with cloud magic heavily making their present known, making my protection plants glow to keep them for harm and successfully snapping Chame-san out of her angry state.

"Sorry" she says and I know she means it. I give her a tiered smile back, to which she signs at and her partner unfolds from her ring position around Chame-san's neck. Mike has always stay out Kyoya and his mother's fights, but always acted when she could cause more damage. I could see the playful smile on the red fox's snot so I knew I had to intervene. "So" I forced out "The game today. Did you decide what it'll be?" I asked a little desperate. It's never good when they fight. Chame-san regards me for one second, then looks at Kyoya and then they both turn to me with bloodthirsty smiles. 'Sweet mother of cakes they agreed on something, that's never good.' "Well⁓."

________________________________________________________________________________Kukuku it's so much fun writing Kyoya's mum ^_^

Hope you like it!

Just one chapter this time! Sorry x_x

I'm still working on the next chapters and to be honest they made my a bit nervous to write...I'll try my best though. Love you guys lot's, thanks for your patient!

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