Chapter 17-runnig from the eclipsed sun

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Hey guys I'm so excited and it brings tears to my eyes to read your reviews. T^T

Here you go, enjoy! ^-^


"We'll have to wait and see" says Luche in the end.

The rest of the day passed peacefully and before long the merciful ring of the school bell reached the eyes of the eager students.

*normal point of view*

*sign* 'This day was tiring, first the 'interacting' class then the information about Skull-kun and the others' *sign*. I nod goodbye to Kyoya as I exited the school and he nods back 'Well I can't be depress about that after all I have won for the first time! Kaa-chan will be so happy.' With those thoughts I run home "Kaa-chan, Aiko tataima" I announce my arrival, take my shoes of quickly and run to the kitchen where they were. "Kaa-chan, kaa-chan you won't believe what happen today!" I say as I bounce on my feet. My mother giggles at my actions "Clam down Tsu-chan I'm not going anywhere." I take a breath "Ok, ok I'll tell you over diner then. Do you need help?" mother giggles "Go change first Tsu-chan." I look at myself 'Right I haven't changed yet' I laugh and rub my cheek "I'll be back really quick" I say and dash to my room. By the time I come back she is putting the plates on the table with Aiko happily waving her tail behind her, I pout at her and she giggles. We both sit to eat "So how was your day Tsu-chan, its Tuesday today right, you had those 'interacting' classes?" she asks me worryingly, as she knows that I never quite like the schools 'interacting' class. But not today, today I smile at her with all of my teeth showing "Heh-he yes, but todays class was different than before kaa-chan" she looks questionably at me "I had a partner this time" her eyes go wide with surprise "Well it was more like two partners but it's the same" I mumble and look at her. I see her crying and panic "What's wrong kaa-chan?" before guilt consumes me she smiles "No, no nothing like that is just t-that kaa-chan is-" she wipes her tears "I'm happy that someone finally saw how wonderful my little Tsu-chan is." She finishes with a proud smile and I find throwing myself at her "Sorry for warring you till now kaa-chan" and I'm now crying as well. After we both compose ourselves I tell her what happen in class and that I became friends with Colonelo-san and just like Kyoya, though he has less emotional about it, she squeals in happiness and congratulates me. She congratulates me on my third friend and says that tomorrow we'll celebrate with a strawberry cheesecake and we go to sleep with big smiles on our faces and as I drift to sleep all I think is 'Strawberry cheesecake, strawberry cheesecake.'

*Next morning*

Beep-be-my hand reaches the alarm clock before it finishes ringing, I blink once at the ceiling normally I would smile while listening to kaa-chan cook but I have a forbidding feeling in my stomach 'This is definitely not good' I puff my cheeks 'I was looking forward to that strawberry cheesecake.' but get up never the less. After I got ready and tried to look cheerful I went downstairs "Ohayo kaa-chan, Aiko" "Ohayo Tsu-chan" mother says while putting breakfast on the table *bark bark* Aiko comes next to me demanding to be pet. We eat our food and after I help mum with the dishes I'm off to school. I reached and see Kyoya being briefed about today's 'interacting' class for the second years. "Ohayo godai mas Kyoya, Tetsu" I greet them, Kyoya nods back "Ohayo hime" Tetsu bows to me and I go to my garden 'Maybe I'll find a four leaf clover and I'll be lucky enough so nothing bad happens.' I reached my garden and kneel in front of the clover bed, I search for a while but I can't find one with four leafs 'great this is not going to be a good day', as I finish my though the bell ranges 'Heiiii, not good at all' I quickly run to class. Surprisingly nothing happens in the first half of school nor at lunch even though Kyoya didn't come, but that's normal since he is in charge of the second year's 'interacting' class. School goes out and still nothing happens 'Weird I'm usually never off on my premonitions' I think while walking to find Kyoya inside the schools magical section, after what happen yesterday I'll be checking him every day. "Oaf" I crash on something but a grant tells me it's more likely a someone and my warning signals go off 'Oh no this is what I'm supposed to avoid.' I look to the person I bump in to and pale I try to make a run for it but the boy grabs my hand. "Well if it isn't the school's witch, aren't you going to say sorry for bumping on me hmm" he says venomously and I cower 'this is definitely not good' and my luck turns worse as some of his friends turn from the corner 'no no no no this can't be happening.' This people were some of my worst bullies and our 'meetings' usually never end well. "Plea-" I try to beg for my release but the other slaps me and angrily says "Who told you, you could speak to me you witch? Looks like we have to teach you some manners." The smirk on his face make me think that I should stayed home today.

After some time of them beating me not only with punches but with magic spells as well, I am crying while trying to lessen anymore damage. By now my clothes were torn and my skin was full of cuts and brushes, *sob sob* my soft crying was heard from the school corridor. 'Why, why. I don't understand why. Couldn't everyone just leave me alone, couldn't they realize how everything they do to me is wrong.' "Chaos." A cold voice cuts the air like a knife and I freeze 'no, anyone but him, please not him, Kyoya would have been better, even that person would have been better. I don't want our first meeting to be like this' I turn to the newcomer and my eyes lock with his from behind my bangs and I try to cover myself. He then eyes my tormentors "What are you doing?" he asks them his fedora covers his eyes and he looks more menacing "None of your business", which was the wrong answer because strong sun magic is unleash in the corridor, not the normal type for healing but the distracting one. The students flee at it's force and now it's just the two of us, I'm shaking from shook and he looks awkward "H-hey" he says and I snap. I run away, with tears running down my cheeks and I call forth my powers 'I don't care who sees.' I bump to someone on my way out but all I see is the mist that has gather outside of the school and I jump in at once, my only goal to reach the safest place I know 'To his side, I have to go to his side' and I run for my heavenly sanctuary and my most favorite place, the forest.


Dun dun dun they meet. Didn't expect that did you. I know I'm evil hahaha. Looks like Reborn will never get his moment.

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