Chapter 14 -Did I just win in one hit?!

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*evil smile* You didn't think I would leave you with one chapter did you.


As the distance is closing to zero I feel another shift of magic this one has more control and is more powerful and what happens next is amazing...

...A barrier of rain magic is protecting me and I see the all the balls move in slow motion. I rise my hands in front of me to catch the ball closes to me 'Wow this is so awesome' just as Skull-kun and Octa destroy all the other balls. "That was close, right Tsuna?" says Skull-kun with a smile 'I don't think that was difficult for them' I think while sweating "Hey Tsuna-kora" at his voice I turn to look at him "It's time to counterattack" he says with a smile so big that I don't know if I should feel sorry for the others. "ok" I answer back never the less and get ready to throw the ball in my hand. As I lift it I can feel Colonelo-san magic in the core of my ball, 'very good choice the magic comes out more balanced if it's in the core of an object, now I'm more curious as to who they are'.

 When the ball is almost off my hand I feel Skull-kun's magic enforce the ball as well 'OW chocolate covered strawberries that's cloud magic' and my ball is in the air and all I can do is watch as it multiplies and soar in very fast pace. I blink and every other normal student is on the ground unconscious. There is an awkward silence which I break with "Did we just win in one hit?!?" "Ya-hoo" Skull-kun cheers loudly with Colonelo-san fallowing "One hit K.O.ed-kora" while I just stand there thinking '-' nothing absolutely nothing. 'Did I-I mean did it just-wait I'm dreaming let me pinch myself. AW...I'm not's not a dream' "We really did win" I whisper "Of course we did/-kora" both Skull-kun and Colonelo-san said while Falcon landed on my shoulder and Octa climbed my back. "A-All right class is over you are free till lunch" the teacher finally dismissed us. 'Well that's lot of free time' I turn to my two friends. "Do you guys want to come to my garden?" I ask them with a light blush. "YES" Skull-kun answers emmediedly "To a garden-kora?" 'Oh that's right' "Would you like to come and see?" I asked instead. He thinks for a while "Sure-kora" and we're off to my garden. 

When we finally reach Colonelo-san stays with his mouth open at the entrance while Skull-kun runs to the bench. I chuckle "Have a sit Colonelo-san" I say to him as I bent down to gather some jasmine leaves "I hope you guys don't mind jasmine" "Nope" Skull-kun answers enthusiastically "Wha-Oh yeah whatever-kora" Colonelo-san finally snaps out of it and goes to sit as well. I take the necessary amount of leaves to make tea for three people and light the gas to warm water "So you guys have rain and cloud magic?" I ask as I lay three cups on the table. "Yeah pashiri over there may be a pushover but he is a cloud-kora" Colonelo-san answers as he watches me making tea, "So Tsuna-kora, how come you have a garden inside the school-kora?" I almost lose hold on the kettle and Skull-kun chocks on air and screech to him "Oi Colonelo don't be so straight forward it's rude" while I just laugh awkwardly and become a mumbling mess "Well-emm-you-see-I-I-emm". "You don't have to tell us if you don't want to Tsuna" Skull-kun says on my defense. I wave my hands in front of me "It's not like it's a secret it's just no one asked before and you caught me unprepared that's all" 'so embarrassing'. "Ehem I just emm, happen to know the headmistress and let's just say she loves outside school activities..." 'Poor Kyoya she must be doing it on purpose' and I remember all the fights those two had 'I don't even want to remember'. I fill the cups with tea and give them theirs Skull-kun takes it immediately and drinks some "It's as good as the last time Tsuna" I smile at him and see Colonelo-san give him a what-last-time-look which he answers with I'll-tell-you-later-one. Finally Colonelo-san starts drinking his tea "Hey this is good-kora. It's like all my stress is gone-kora" I sign at that 'good that's what I was aiming for he did seem quite tense' and smile at him. They both complement my tea and garden and before we know it the lunch bell rings.


Tada. Colonelo met Tsu-chan too and the three of them kicked ass yeah. Poor tuna-fish doesn't believe she won a game. Hahaha. >.< Sorry if the class part wasn't that detailed.

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