Chapter 6-Plans, they always get ruined

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Author's note

Hello to everyone who read my story! It's a bit ahead of schedule but it's a New year so I'm uploading one more chapter!!! ^.^ Happy new year 2018!!


Beep-beep-beep-thud. Sign 'it's a new day and I already have a bad feeling.' I get up even though I am not looking forward to the day, I get dressed and go downstairs for breakfast. "ohayo kaa-san" I say to mum and kiss her on the cheek. "ohayo Tsu-chan!" she answers while serving me breakfast. We eat together since I got ready in time and I clean the plates before I leave "itekimasou" I kiss mum again and give her Akita a pat on the head "iterashaii". I reach school in my normal time so when I see Kyoya I great him properly "ohayo Kyoya!" he looks at me and nods while I see the corner of his lips form a very small smile "And ohayo to you too Tetsu-san" since it's early for students Tetsu-san informs Kyoya about this day's program "ohayo hime-san", Tetsu-san has been with Kyoya for a long time and for some reason he and Kyoya's other men call me hime. 'Since I arrived a little earlier than normal I can go get some flowers from my garden to put in the classroom' I think and I find myself in my second favorite place.

 My garden has every flower I can get my hands on and has a magical glow as I like to add a little magic to make them healthier and give them special magical abilities. Some butterflies and squirrels have found shelter here (they're normal, not magical) and they make this look like it came out of a fantasy tale. I search for a while 'Ahh' I see by the trunk my willow tree some white heather (symbolizes protection and indicates wishes came true), I pick it up carefully "This is perfect", I cut it's roots and head to class there aren't any students yet so I take the vase put some water in, place the flowers in a vase and on the teacher's desk. The first half of the day passes peacefully and before I know it it's lunch time I went to the roof, I open the door and get ready to greet Kyoya only to stop after I see him. He looks at me for a while and I know he is waiting for my reaction. "WHAT HAPPENED?" I yell at him, his response was to look away from me pouting. Kyoya was covered in bruises, many, many bruises. I have never seen him so injured before 'Who could possibly manage such feet'. My mind goes to the transfer students, I put my hands on my hips and say angrily "You challenge the new students didn't you?" it wasn't much of a question as much as a statement, but Kyoya stubbornly refused to answer I sigh "Fine be that way, but show me your wounds". Kyoya now looks at me just to make sure I will not ask him again and I just smile at him 'I know you don't like me to see you weak' I convert with my eyes and he seems satisfied. I heal his wounds and we finally eat our lunch.

Just before the bell rings I ask "Am I going to accompany you after school?", since we first met and I wanted to spend time with him but Kyoya was always patrolling the town we decided I would accompany him once a week. Today we were supposed to patrol together but I wanted to be sure since he might be busy with all these transfers. He looks at me with a raised eyebrow and I smile. 'I should have known Kyoya never breaks a promise' and the school bell rings, I get up "See you after school Kyoya!" I say waving goodbye and head to class. As I head to class I hear whispers and for once they're not for me. I listen and they were talking about the new students "Did you hear they say their magical level is off the charges and they are perfect in everything" one girl said to her friends "Yeah and in combat they are unbeatable" a boy said next "Some said they have connections to the magic council" "No it was Vangola they are connected" and many more but my mind stack at Vongola 'Who were they if they have connections with the oldest magical casting clan?'. The rest of the day passes easily 'Yey a day with no bullies' I think as I make my way to Kyoya's office in the magic part of the school only to stop at some noises. I hid behind the turn of the corridor and I see one of the transfer students, Skull-kun, getting beaten. Poor boy, he was in a fetal position to lessen the damage 'oh my God if they just bully me like normal then he wouldn't suffer like this' I think and I activated my powers. The bullies feel my magical aura and thinking I was Kyoya, they run away. I get out of my hiding place and head to Skull-kun. 'He is badly injured I can't leave him here' and a light inflicts us both.


^.^ That is all am giving you for now. I haven't decided when I'll be updating again so...yeah....HAPPY NEW YEAR ONCE MORE *runs away really fast*

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