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I just wondered why everyone was so, shocked that I walked or should I say ran. I will admit I Shocked myself. Me and Richard was sitting on a bank watching a river and he fell asleep on me.
He was yelling and shaking in his sleep. He was having a nightmare. Till came and found us and picked up Richard and carried him to where we needed to go. We let him sleep.

We we almost to Sweden. When I realized Richard hadn't moved. I felt something was wrong. I kissed him on the head and realized he was burning up. I shook him and I got no response. Schneider was standing behind me. I looked up and saw the consern.

"Can I help?"

"Yes, you can. Help me."

He carried him to the room we were sharing. I was debating whether or not to call for help when he woke up. He tried to talk but, couldn't. He wouldn't stop hacking. He saw I was worried.
I told him to go back to bed. I wanted him to rest. I laid on my bed and went to bed. I was woke up the next morning by someone knocking on the door.

"I was wondering can I come in?" said Till.


He walked over to Richard. I watched. He touched him. I saw shock that turned to sadness.

"I wonder Richard how do you feel." said Till.

He sat up and looked at Till. He tried to answer him but couldn't. Till looked at me.

"What are you thinking."

"He is sick. I hear wheezing. Come with me. Both of you."

Till helped me take him to a doctor. The bad part is he has a mass on his lungs. Me and Till sit and wait. They had to remove it. Schneider found us. He looked so concerned. He had a infection as well.

We waited for the test. I was dreading the results. Me and Schneider just sat in the room. I was sad. I now know how he felt.

It had been two weeks and we were aloud to go home and we all did. It was what we were dreading. We took him to a doctor in Berlin and it was confirmed. We went home and I told them not to tell him. I had to.

We were all sad. I had to be the one to tell him. I sat on the floor and cried. He walked up to me.

"Why is everyone so sad?"

I looked up and the moment I had been dreading all day. "You have lung can.."


"Yes, I chose to be the the bad news giv.."

"Giver, can it be treated?"

"Yes, as long as you do it soo.."


I couldn't stop getting choked up. Richard got up and left the house. I didn't see him again for a few days. He did text me he was safe.

When he came home he was really sick. He laid down and went to bed. I picked up his phone and looked at it. I saw a picture of where he had been. He was getting treatment. I was mad at myself I threw the phone and it put a hole in the wall and broke the screen.

Richard heard that and walked and sat down in the chair. "I am so sorry. I just broke your phone."

"They think they got it in time."

I was relieved and I went to get him a new phone. I had Schneider and Till stay with him. I felt bad for braking his phone.

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