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I was waiting on Flake to get back with dinner. Me and him were roommates. The hours went on and there was no sign of him. I was being to worry.

I heard a loud shaddering sound and I looked. I found a brick with writing attached to it. I called the cops.

The cop looked at the note when he got there. He told me that my friend had been kidnapped by the Russian mafia and that we would never see him alive again. He left.

I went to Richard and Paul's house. Paul answered the door. "Ollie, how may I help you?"

"With this letter. It is in partial Russian but what is this?"

"It looks like a website."

I follow Paul to his computer and we look up the website. We found all the things that they did to Flake and the worse part was could we get to him in time. We knew where he was. I knew the abandoned building.

Richard, Till, and Schneider came into the room and asked what we were looking at. They asked why were were so sad. We showed Richard and Till. Till told Schneider what was going on.

We all agree that we had to save him. We all wanted Schneider to stay at Paul and Richard's but he wouldn't listen. Me and Flake had a secret we were married like Schneider and Till. Also like Paul and Richard.

So, we went to save him. I just hoped we made it in time. I hoped it would not be too late.

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