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I got up at two am and watched Oliver sleep. I was also going through my phone. I found a ton of pictures. I could tell me and him was really close. I felt bad for hurting him. I got up and laid on the floor next to the bed he was sleeping in. I fell asleep and slept alot better. I don't know why I felt safer but, I did.

I woke up and got up. I noticed Oliver wasn't in the room. I walked out of the room. I walked to the kitchen and found everyone there.

"Flake, why don't we go for a walk today?" said Oliver.

I nodded and we left and started on the walk. I felt safe with Oliver and I didn't know how to explain it. I felt different with him then when with the rest of them. I didn't see the person but, I guess Oliver did. He pushed me. I heard a thud and Oliver fell to the ground. I saw the person run. I went to look at Oliver and noticed he had been hit with a arrow.

"Oliver, hold on."

I called for help. I texted everyone and told them where to meet me. When help came I went.
I was given Oliver's phone.

I was sitting in the waiting room. I looked at Oliver's phone and I was able to unlock it. I found more pictures of us. But, this time I found all kinds of pictures and all of a sudden I had flash back after flash back. I then remembered I was married to Oliver. All of it came to me. I then saw the others. The doctor came out to talk me as well.

"It hit his lung. He is breathing with help now. I know this looks bad but, it could be worse. He also lost alot of blood and had to be given blood. You all can see him."

I walk into the room and sit down. I feel worse. When everyone else had gone I spoke to him.
"Oliver, why, did you do that? I now remember. I do love you. I now know how you felt. I am sorry for everything."

I kissed him on the head and started to cry. I know this was bad. I left and went back to where we were staying.

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