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I woke up but I could not see well everything was blurry. I was very scared. It came back to me what happened to me. I felt someone had there hand on mine. I yelled and I felt the person jump.

He said that it is ok. "No one is going to hurt you. I promise."

He put my glasses on me. I could see. I couldn't remember who he was. But, I knew he wasn't going to hurt me. He got the doctor.
He checked me and asked me some questions.

"Do you know who you are?"
I nodded I am Flake. "Do you know how to speak?"

I tried and I couldn't. So the doctor saw if I could write. I could do that. "Do you remember what the Russian mafia did to you?"

I wrote yes. "Do you know who he is?"

I wrote no. I saw the other person get really sad. "Do you remember having a cat and his name?" other person asked.

I wrote no.

"Do you remember you play in a band? Or what instrument you play? Or your four other friends in the band?"

I wrote no no no. Why couldn't I remember. They then saw if I could walk and I could. I was released.

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