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I can't believe I broke down like that. I walked back to the room Flake was in and Richard and Paul followed me. I sat down and cried somemore. I couldn't take it anymore. I then noticed Schneider and Till came into the room.

Then I noticed they all were crying. I had no idea this was hard on them. I had to go feed our cat it was black and white it was in a spotted pattern all over the body of the cat. The cat belonged to Flake. The cat's name was Axel.
Everyone left when I did. I went to feed the cat. I found Axel on Flake's side of the bed. The cat was really friendly and he even missed Flake. I also had a cat it was a calico named Otto. He saw me alot. I was more worried about Axel. I cleaned the litter box and went back to see Flake.

I walked into the room and noticed something was different. I sat next to him. I noticed the breathing tube that was down his throat was gone. I know his broken bones healed. I cried because this was a small change. I cried myself to sleep. I cried alot anymore.

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