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I didn't want to leave Paul but I knew I had too. I knew he would be sleeping. I went and met the rest of the guys at the hospital. I did a head count. I saw Schneider sleeping. I saw Flake and Oliver. I knew Paul was home sleeping. I couldn't find Till. I woke up Schneider.

"I should have never got into a fight with him. He might not make it he was shot twice."

He broke down. At that moment a doctor came to us and asked for Schneider. "Your friend was shot in the right lung and can't breathe on his own. The shot that hit his neck missed a artery. He was lucky. He is stable for now. It is too soon to see if he will make it. You all can see him."

We walked into the room. I had a bad feeling as Schneider leaned over and kissed the person on the head. He then sat down. 

"Schneider, is there something you want to say?"

"Yes, I was on a date tonight with my boyfriend. He asked me to move in and we got into a fight. He was shot. I hope he makes it. If not we are out of a job."

I didn't like were this was going. We heard two monitors go off at the same time. Nurses and doctors came in and kicked us all out.
"Till, I am sorry for my pride."

"What was that Schneider?"

"My boyfriend is Till."

We all went white. A doctor came in and told us he is stable but, probably wasn't going to make. This was the fourth time his heart stopped. We got to see him for awhile and they let Schneider stay. I went home.

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