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A few months later I was better and we decided to get married. So, we also decided to go on a rock climbing trip. We were really high up. I felt a strong tug. I looked behind me to see Schneider having trouble with some rocks. He put his foot in the wrong spot. Then I grabbed his hand.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

The string broke and he slipped out of my hands. He fell 25 feet. I went down too him.

The guide followed me and called for help. I knew this wasn't good. So, when help came I went with them.

I was in the waiting room when the doctor came to me and he looked sad. "He has alot of things broken. I don't even know how much damage this has caused. We don't know if he will make it. You can see him."

I walked in and I knew this was worse then any of us have been hurt. This took the cake. I sat next to him. At least the last words we said to each other was I love you.
I cried. At that point I got a phone call. It was from Paul and I was not in any mood for that.

"What the Fuck do you want?"

"I just wanted to say I hoped you had fun rock climbing."

I had Schneider's phone that wasn't on him when he was climbing. I took a picture of him with it and sent it to Paul.

"Does it look like we are having Fucking fun."

"What happened?"

"Think ohne dich and reverse the rules. He fell 25 feet."

I could hear Paul trying not to cry as that hit him. He hung up on me. I had a feeling I upset him. I felt bad that I did that.

"Schneider, I miss you already. I wish I could have held on to you."

I left and went home. I found someone in my house. I knocked them out. I turned on the light to find out it was Paul. I felt really bad. I picked him up and took him to the hospital. I was worried I hurt him bad due to his other injuries in the past. I waited and thought about this.

A doctor told me he was going to be ok. I called Richard and left. I was running away. Before I hurt someone.

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