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I woke up to my phone ringing. It was a nurse and I was told to go to the hospital as soon as possible. I left the house.

I went to where I was told and was met with a doctor and a cop. The cop was the first to speak. "Are you Richard?"


"I don't know what you call him was in a bad accident. This goes to you. The person side swiped him off the road. He went down a embankment and ended upside down. We got him out before the car blew up. The other driver was drunk. He wasn't. It wasn't your friends fault."

The doctor spoke next. "He was hurt bad. He is stable. But, in critical condition. You can see him."

I followed the doctor and sat down. I looked at the phone and realized it had a picture of me and Paul. It had to be Paul. I looked and realized I was right. I cried. There were tubes and wires everywhere. I didnt know that he fully understood what was going on.

I happen to set my hand on the bed. I felt something. I looked down and saw his were on top of mine. I stood up and looked at him. He was awake and crying.

"Paul, do you understand me?"

He squeezed my hand. "How do you get into these messes?"

The doctor walked in and noticed Paul was awake and could move his hand. "I am going to see if you can breathe."

The good news was he could. But, he was still hurt bad. He had broken his glasses in the accident. So, they were going to see what they could do about that. His left leg was broken. So, was some ribs. That was why he was having trouble breathing. He had a broken wrist. He was lucky.
When the doctor left I sat down and cried.

"It is ok. Richard, I will be ok."

I looked up at Paul and wanted to yell at him. I didn't. Paul had a sad look on his face. He also looked like he was in pain. He tried to sit up.

"Careful, please, I don't want you to hurt yourself more."

"I am sorry this happened."

"It wasn't your fault. Someone side swiped you and you ended up down a embankment."

"That is how I ended upside-down?"

"Yes, wait you remember that?"

"Yes, I woke up and was upside down. I saw the car blow up."

At that moment Paul's phone started to ring. It was Till. I answered it.

"Hi, Till."

"How is he? I saw the news."

"Critical, broken ribs, wrist, leg. But, there is a interesting part Till."

I put Till on speaker phone. "What would that be?"

"Hallo, Till." said Paul.

"Worst thing is he remembers alot of the accident."

"This isn't good according to the news he was upside down and the car blew up."

"He remembered that."

"How did the phone survive?"

"It was in my pocket and the pockets zipped shut." said Paul

"Paul, get well."

"Danke, Till.

"I saw all this through my cracked glasses. "

He hung up and I looked up at Paul and he knew I was worried. He was lucky. That could have been worse.

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